1590 examples of her smile in sentences

There was the same frankness, the same heart in her glance, her smile, the warm pressure of her hand, but tempered by experience, reflection, and self-control.

" She received her share willingly and gratefully enough, but her smile and kiss were so evidently given to order, that they only testified to the thorough literality of her statement.

Perhaps her smile gave him courage: he took her just below the shoulders and lifted her on to the saddle, saying as he did so, and in as matter-of-fact a voice as he could: "If you'll just put your hand on my shoulder, you'll find that you can ride quite safelythough

Why can't the lazy hound do it himself?" Her smile passed.

Her smile was always ready, the lines of her mouth were always set in perfect content.

Meanwhile, however, it was the Englishman who kept himself constantly in mind with her by an unbroken chain of small attentions that often made her smile but sometimes really touched her.

Pale Luna's light, the dimpling sea, Are very taking, I'll agree; But to her smile all else is poor Her winsome smile.

Her eyes never looked at you long; her smile wandered, it was half for you and half for herself, for something she was thinking of that wasn't you.

The blow which had crushed her life had shattered her smile, and, as the web of shivered expression shot off its rays across her features, I fancied that Grief had written her face all over with 'Ws', to mark her as one of his forlorn flock of Widows.

Her smile was excessively persuasive and inviting.

Her figure was slight, of middle height, and rather drooping, like a flower heavy with dew; her luxuriant gold-brown hair fell in rich curls on her shoulders, her complexion was of transparent delicacy, her smile charming, and she had the most bewitching deep blue eyes I ever beheld, with dark eyelashes and eyebrows....

They chatted, and he carried her smile home across the bridge.

In front of the one next her own, she saw two pairs which made her smile a little, for, though she could not be certain, she fancied that she recognized them.

It was strange to think of her witnessing the crowning of the King, with the conviction that her work ended there and then,of the women who brought their children to touch her garments or her hands, to let her smile on them, or speak to them, or maybe kiss them.

"Oh, of course," said La Fleur, with her head on one side, and her smile at its angle of humility, "I meant that I would come to her when she is settled here as Mrs. Haverley, and her dear mother is living with her, and when Miss Miriam has gone to finish her education at whatever seminary is decided on.

Her smile repeated Ted Holiday's verdict that some gentlemen were rotters.

Her smile, when it lights up her face and eyes, is as beautiful as spring sunshine.

The dainty Madame went limp, and in words as slow and soft as her smile, sighed, "You are a genius!"

"Our love's not through all the fire, yet," he said, but her smile only showed more glow.

Her pout was prettier even than her smile, and that is saying a great deal.

Though well in years, her eyes were bright; her smile was winsome, and I thought her face one of the loveliest I had ever looked upon.

Her smile and her eyes with their long lashes I can see to this day.

Admired she was by all with whom she was associated, but her smile was not sought for, her conversation not courted, as had been Caroline's, therefore her temptations had not been so great, but she was universally beloved.

I am quite well, only warm," she replied, struggling to smile, but her voice was so choked, her smile so unnatural, that not only her brother but her aunt was alarmed.

"There, did you see her smile?"

1590 examples of  her smile  in sentences