Do we say herbivorous or herbaceous

herbivorous 20 occurrences

The herbivorous were not recognised, because feeding on a microscopic herbage, of whose true nature I had formed an erroneous impression.

Contrariwise, there is a no less wide foundation for the generalisation that animals, as Cuvier puts it, depend directly or indirectly upon plants for the materials of their bodies; that is, either they are herbivorous, or they eat other animals which are herbivorous.

Contrariwise, there is a no less wide foundation for the generalisation that animals, as Cuvier puts it, depend directly or indirectly upon plants for the materials of their bodies; that is, either they are herbivorous, or they eat other animals which are herbivorous.

At the epoch of the Trias, therefore, the Marsupialia must have already existed long enough to have become differentiated into carnivorous and herbivorous forms.

Galaxy, galleon, garrulity, gesticulate, gormand, granivorous, grandiloquent, gravamen, gratuitous, gregarious, habitue, hallucination, harbinger, hardihood, heckle, hectic, hedonist, hegemony, heinous, herbivorous, heretic, hermaphrodite, heterodox, heterogeneous, hibernate.

THUS THE PIG TRIBE, though not a ruminating mammal, as might be inferred from the number of its molar teeth, is yet a link between the herbivorous and the carnivorous tribes, and is consequently what is known as an omnivorous quadruped; or, in other words, capable of converting any kind of aliment into nutriment.

Herbivorous (Lat. herba, an herb, and voro, to devour).

Adj. eatable, edible, esculent^, comestible, alimentary; cereal, cibarious^; dietetic; culinary; nutritive, nutritious; gastric; succulent; potable, potulent^; bibulous. omnivorous, carnivorous, herbivorous, granivorous, graminivorous, phytivorous; ichthyivorous; omophagic, omophagous; pantophagous, phytophagous, xylophagous.

When the herbivorous animals had taken their place in the organic world, beasts of prey made their appearancenecessarily a late appearancein each species, and proceeded to live upon them.

They are exclusively herbivorous, and live upon the fine, short grass that is generally found growing in abundance in the vicinity of their towns, which are always located upon arid, elevated plains, at a great distance from water.

You see what comes of having a father who is not only omnivorous, but has a herbivorous capacity.

Here, indeed, the printed word might riot as it pleased in the joyous variety and chaos of that truly omnivorous reader of herbivorous capacity.

The smaller wild mammals, carnivorous and herbivorous, and a truly representative family of birds, including one or two rare visitors, have here a perfect sanctuary.

Next to the direct agency of man, his indirect influence in multiplying the numbers of large herbivorous quadrupeds of domesticated races, may be regarded as one of the most obviate causes of the extermination of species.

Beyond that there was no light; plant life disappeared and with it the herbivorous animals.

The great swimmers, supplied with formidable mandibles and immense and elastic stomachs, prefer the fortunes of war, the pursuit of living prey, and devour,as the carnivorous devour the herbivorous on land,all the little feeders on débris and plancton.

These herbivorous fresh-water animals live by drinking in the light,feeling the necessity of the surface waters or the shallow depths with their limpid gladesand this light, spreading over the white interior of their dwelling, decorates it with all the fleeting colors of the iris, giving to the limestone the mysterious shimmer of mother-of-pearl.

Indeed, the minute size of its teeth has led to the belief in the Seychelles that it is a herbivorous fish, which, however, is not probable.

It is entirely herbivorous, as are all its congeners.

A seal of the hair species, like those of Rottnest Island, was seen on the rocks, probably of the same description that Dampier found in the maw of the shark;* and also what was found by the French on Faure Island, which M. Peron supposed to be an herbivorous animal and described as a dugong.

herbaceous 131 occurrences

The manner of the production of herbaceous plants from their various perennial roots, seems to want further investigation, as their analogy is not yet clearly established.

The delicate-walled spherical, or polygonal, cells which make up the bulk of an herbaceous stem, constitute cellular tissue (parenchyma).

The outer coating of the herbaceous stem is then stripped off, until the fibers or cellular parts are seen, when it undergoes the process of rotting, and after being well dried in houses and sheds, is prepared for market by assorting it, a task which is performed by the women and children.

The soil on this part of the island is a stiff clay, and the plants it produces are mostly woody; those of an herbaceous character were scarce, and only a few orchideous epiphytes and ferns were seen.

The excursion had been profitable in the way of collections, having yielded a number of specimens of shrubs and trees, both in flower and fruit; but owing to the drought, the herbaceous plants were, for the most part, dried up.

This is of herbaceous growth, and remarkable for the large cream-coloured flower bracts, and showy red fruit.

S. GLAUCA has its herbaceous parts covered with a thick pubescence; leaves pubescent on both sides, and with yellow flowers produced in umbels.

To those who are about to re-establish their herbaceous borders it will come as a welcome surprise that restrictions as to the sale of the following foodstuffs by nurserymen have now been withdrawn: Stucky's Germania (Lamb's Ear).

The Zoological Society in the mean time, might receive contributions of herbaceous plants, and be at the expense of planting and naming them.

We could wish to see a greater variety of trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants introduced, and equally clear names and geographical indications placed at them also.

"The verdant appearance," says Captain Stirling, "and almost innumerable variety of grasses, herbaceous plants, shrubs, and trees, show that there is no deficiency in the three great sources of their sustenance, soil, heat, and moisture.

This ornamental hardy herbaceous plant thrives best in a mixture of peat and loam.

Out of doors in summer, among shrubs or herbaceous plants, they are exceedingly attractive.

These pretty, hardy, herbaceous plants bloom in June.

This free-flowering, hardy, herbaceous plant will thrive in any light, rich soil.

Herbaceous plants are better without manure.

A pretty diminutive herbaceous plant.

Height, 1-1/2 ft. Michaelmas Daisies (Starworts).A numerous family of hardy herbaceous perennials.

The herbaceous kinds are increased by dividing the plants at the roots, leaving a bud on each slip.

Ornamental hardy herbaceous plants, ranging in colour from white to purple.

Platycodon (Japanese Balloon Flower).Hardy and elegant herbaceous plants, requiring a sandy soil.

These small herbaceous perennials should find a place in all Alpine collections.

These hardy herbaceous plants are very suitable for rock-work or the front of a border.

" Tradescantia Virginica (Spider Wort).A hardy herbaceous plant.

Herbaceous plants are few in numberof the others I shall only mention a wild nutmeg, Myristica cimicifera, not, however, of any commercial importance.

Do we say   herbivorous   or  herbaceous