167 examples of herders in sentences

On their way thither, they surprised and killed a party of wood-choppers down on the Pawnee Fork, as well as some herders who were guarding beef cattle; some seven or eight men in all, were killed, and it was evident that the Indians meant business.

One of the herders came dashing into camp with an arrow sticking into him.

Teddy saw the deer fed and milked, the Lapland women being experts in that line, and found the herders, in their quaint parkas tied around the waist, and conical caps, scarcely less interesting than the deer.

In addition to this personal observation I have frequently heard from hunters, herders, and cowboys that big wolves frequently kill deer and other animals by snapping at the chest.

In addition to the damage done by the grazing of the sheep, the carelessness of the herders in starting forest fires has resulted in some destruction to the timber.

Before we had time to fully equip ourselves, the sight of one of the herders, rapidly approaching, told the story.

The boys, by this time, had discovered eight or ten Indians following the herders, who were driving the animals towards camp.

At the moment I reached the plain, a little puff of white smoke rose on the air, far to the rear of the herders.

The cattle men got together by night, rode down the sheep-herders, shot them or drove them out, or were themselves driven out.

Miners from the hills were there, Mexican sheep-herders, storekeepers from Placerville, strangers from Sacramento; town and county, mountain and plain, were represented.

They were not shepherds; they were sheep-herders.

The herders kept them moving until close to the main herd, where they were allowed to rest.

Taking in the situation at a glance, I put spurs to my horse, and calling to the men to come on, made a dash to cut them off from the canyon down which the herders were endeavoring to force them.

We made no attempt to use our rifles, but drawing our revolvers opened fire on the scurrying herders.

Had they all followed as did the boy we would have captured every horse and probably have got the herders as well.

Gradually the fact dawned on her that unlike the deer and the buffalo, this new game was more easily hunted in the daylightparticularly in that tired-out, careless twilight hour when the herders and the plantation hands came in from their work.

Many of the herders haven't returnedshe'll get one of them sure.

In the kitchen as he passed through were the other two herders.

Constitution, by-laws and ritual, Ancient Order of Camel Herders.

The night herders would see it; they'd smell trouble; and like as not the whole bilin' of 'em would come pryin' down here by daylight.

Bacha permitted the herders from the other sheepcotes to come over to his hut.

Mexican sheep-herders drove their flocks up this far sometimes.

They were often followed by the herders, but if they did not overtake the thieves before they got into the deep cañons of the mountains, they would usually turn back and let them go rather than be led into ambush in some strange narrow place where escape would be impossible and they might be filled with arrows.

Led by the sheriff and his deputy, they rode out about midnight to the pasture and found the herd and herders.

Not a movement worth heeding was made by the Apaches until the herders drove in their first relay of mules, when a dozen hungry braves lassoed the horse which Smith had shot, dragged him away to a safe distance, and proceeded to cut him up into steaks.

167 examples of  herders  in sentences