102792 examples of here in sentences

"They're aw here," said the shepherd.

"Is Mr. Hayes here?"

Here and there a palm rose from an opening, and the dusty green of the alameda broke the monotony of the flat roofs and straight, blank walls that gave the town an Eastern look.

"The patron has a house here," Alvarez replied.

"It might pay to plug that fellow, and I'd have risked it when I came here in the Mercedes.

How many men have you here in case you are wanted?" "We have only fifty," Captain Peel said.

Here they come, column after column.

Here Russians and grenadiers lay stretched side by side, sometimes with their bayonets still locked in each other's bodies.

Here a French Zouave, shot through the legs, was sitting up, supporting on his breast the head of his dying officer.

The lads moved here and there, searching for the wounded among the dead, awed and sobered by the fearful spectacle.

There was far less privation here, for Balaklava lay within twenty minutes' walk, and stores of all kinds could be bought on board the ships.

Yes, if we get a storm, and they say in the Black Sea they do have terrific gales during the winter, I fear we shall have a terrible business here.

Here and there in the wild waters they fancied occasionally that they could see the dark forms of the ships, but even of this they could not have been certain, save for the twinkling lights which rose and fell, and dashed to and fro like fire-flies in their flight.

"Anything is better than standing here.

"There is a sort of hollow here," Jack shouted, "a sort of ravine.

They were also inclined to grant him the greater number of points on his form in general, and especially on account of the disparity in size and reach; and when they counted the tattoo-marks on each, they found that here also Bobbles had made the highest score, and they did not hesitate to award him the prize.

A novelty was introduced here in place of the usual parallel-bar exhibition.

But here he made mistake number two; for the ball did not curve as the pitcher had intended, but gave the batter a sharp nip just where it said it would.

Here I lived in great comfort at an expense of fifty dollars a month, and I soon found that my spare fifty made me a well-to-do man in Whittingham.

The same prejudice exists here against our colored brethren that existed against the Gentiles in Judea.

The same prosperous effects followed manumission here, that had attended it in Hayti, every thing was quiet until Buonaparte sent out a fleet to reduce these negroes again to slavery, and in 1802 this institution was re-established in that Island.

But to indulge you, we will look at the system of slavery, as it is presented to us, in the laws of the slave States; and what do we find here?

Here we find the most diabolical devices to keep millions of human beings in a state of heathenismin the deepest ignorance and most loathsome pollution.

And here, sir, you and I might bring our discussion to a close, by my putting the following questions to you, both of which your conscience would compel you to answer in the affirmative.

"Shot right in here, through the edge of the bone.

102792 examples of  here  in sentences