846 examples of heritages in sentences

Frollo had no mind tamely to watch the Romans lose their heritage.

"All gone! 'tis ours the goodly land Look roundthe heritage behold; Go forthupon the mountain stand; Then, if you can, be cold.

Lady, thy loveliness hath walked my brain, As if I were thy heritage in sooth, Bequeathed from sires beyond all story's reach.

So he did for the novel what Addison and Steele had done for the satire and the essay; he refined and elevated it, making it worthy of the old Anglo-Saxon ideals which are our best literary heritage.

This, however, is a very indefinite term, where all slave-owners profess to do the same, though the poor wretches over whom by law they impiously assume God's heritage, in ninety cases out of every hundred, are scantily clothed, worse fed than horses or mules, and worked to the utmost extent of human endurance, the humanity being, in most cases, left to the tender mercies of a brutal overseer, who exacts all he can.

The very legislation yielded to this mercantile morality, which regarded all giving away without recompense as squandering; the giving of presents and bequests and the undertaking of sureties were subjected to restriction at this period by decree of the burgesses, and heritages, if they did not fall to the nearest relatives, were at least taxed.

Any one may idle; but the men who are not content unless they climb the unscalable mountains or cross the uncharted seas or bear the burdens that others shrink from, are the ones who keep the heritage of the spirit undiminished.

"All the striving, anxious fore-thought That should only come with age Weighed upon his baby spirit, Showed him soon life's sternest page; Grim Want was his nurse, and Sorrow Was his only heritage.

and to the yet unborn, Whose heritage ourselves must make a thing of pride or scorn?" "Gray Plymouth Rock hath yet a tongue, and Concord is not dumb; And voices from our fathers' graves and from the future come: They call on us to stand our groundthey charge us still to be Not only free from chains ourselves, but foremost to make free!"

We in this new land are born to new heritages, and the terms of our new life must be used to tell our story.

In the papers of one of them killed on August 28 there was found an article written in reply to "The Loom of Youth," ending with these words: "Perhaps the greatest consolation of these attacks on our greatest heritage in England (for we are the unique possessors of the Public Schools) is the conviction that they will have but little effect.

CHAPTER III INTRODUCING HOLLINGSWORTH CHASE While all this was being threshed out by the persons most vitally interested in the affairs of Taswell Skaggs and John Wyckholme, events of a most unusual character were happening to one who not only had no interest in the aforesaid heritage, but no knowledge whatever of its existence.

Deep and heartfelt was the thanksgiving he silently breathed to the Giver of all good, that He had brought him to this land of plenty, and given him such a heritage in the wilderness.

There's not a prince i' the Empire that can show A better title to his heritage; For thou hast over thee no lord

Rich was your heritage of manly worth, And richly have you added to its stores.

It doth offend My inmost soul, to hear the stranger's gibes, That taunt us with the name of "Peasant Nobles!" Think you the heart that's stirring here can brook, While all the young nobility around Are reaping honor under Habsburg's banner, That I should loiter, in inglorious ease, Here on the heritage my fathers left, And, in the dull routine of vulgar toil, Lose all life's glorious spring?

But gogo thitherbarter thy free soul, Take land in fief, be minion to a prince, Where thou might'st be lord paramount, and prince Of all thine own unburden'd heritage!

I am at law with him About a piece of ancient heritage.

And I make thee a pledge to the people, To raise up the [ruined] land, To reapportion the desolate heritages, Saying to those who are bound, 'Go forth,' To those in darkness, 'Show yourselves!'

It was one of the many valuable heritages that the Hebrews brought with them from the free life of the desert.

By the opening of the fifteenth century, when, all unlooked for, a most terrible Tartar storm was about to break upon western Asia, the Osmanli realm had grown considerably, not only in Europe by conquest, but also in Asia by the peaceful effect of marriages and heritages.

CHAMSON, ANDRE. Heritages.

CHAMSON, ANDRE. Heritages.

Still, plainly, his form and structure and the details of his whole machine, including the marvelously delicate mechanism of the brain and nervous system, are heritages of the very ancient past.

Of all the heritages which parents can leave their children none is greater than a worthy ambition.

846 examples of  heritages  in sentences