545 examples of hermia in sentences

There was one instance, however, of an old man, whose name was Egeus, who actually did come before Theseus (at that time the reigning duke of Athens), to complain that his daughter Hermia, whom he had commanded to marry Demetrius, a young man of a noble Athenian family, refused to obey him, because she loved another young Athenian, named Lysander.

DEME'TRIUS, a young Athenian, to whom Egeus (3 syl.) promised his daughter Hermia in marriage.

As Hermia loved Lysander, she refused to marry Demetrius, and fled from Athens with Lysander.

He saw that Hermia disliked him, but that Helena loved him sincerely, so he consented to forego the one and take to wife the other.

When Egeus, the father of Hermia, found out how the case stood, he consented to the union of his daughter with Lysander.

Hermia refused to submit to an "unwished yoke," and fled from Athens with Lysander.

Demetrius, seeing that Hermia disliked him but that Hel'ena doted on him, consented to abandon the one and wed the other.

Hermia stared at the empty door and ponderedreally on the verge of tears.

" He took a road map from his pocket and spread it out on his knapsack between them, while Hermia peered over his shoulder and followed his long forefinger.

"Good night, Hermia," he said.

It seemed to Hermia that she had hardly closed her eyes before she opened them again and found herself broadly awake.

The Signora descended from the wagon, and with Hermia's help prepared the breakfast while Stella held the baby.

Cleofonte had invited Hermia to sit with him upon the seat of the wagon, but she had refused and taken her place by Markham's side behind Clarissa, who, quite peacefully, followed in the trail of Tomasso, the bear.

Hermia was in a high humorjoyous, sparkling, satirical by turns.

" "And you weren't aware of iterin my perg" "Hermia!"

Hermia's impish spirit was not proof against such imperturbably good humor, and at last she subsided.

"It's rather curious, Hermia, if I'm the silly sentimental ass you've been picturing me, that you'd care to trust yourself to what you are pleased to call my shrinking susceptibilities.

If these are forbidding symptoms, Hermia, take warning while there's time.

"Do you know where we're going?" asked Hermia then.

" "We'll follow Cleofonte to Alenon then," said Hermia resolutely.

" Something in Markham's manner and speech arrested the driver's eye, which passed rapidly to Hermia, who stood silently at the side of the road, suddenly aware of an unusual interest in her appearance.

But the Frenchman showed no intention of moving at once and, ignoring Markham, questioned Hermia gaily.

Hermia made a pretty courtesy and laughed.

"I come from the North country," said Hermia promptly.

But Hermia only stood smiling and curtsied again.

545 examples of  hermia  in sentences