25 examples of hersel in sentences

An' could behave hersel' wi' mense; I'll say't, she never brak a fence, Thro' thievish greed.

By this time he was cross the ford, Whare in the snaw the chapman smoored; And past the birks and meikle stane, Whare drunken Charlie brak's neck-bane; And thro' the whins and by the cairn, Whare hunters fand the murdered bairn; And near the thorn, aboon the well, Whare Mungo's mither hanged hersel.

"If only she can hold hersel' cool now!" No danger.

"Eh, but the bonny lass has hersel' well in hand," thought the admiring Donald more than once, as he saw her in some family discussion or controversy keep silence, with flushing cheeks, when sharp words rose to her tongue.

But thankfulness soon swept away all other emotions,thankfulness and a great joy, too; for Donald's second word was, turning to the old father: "An' it is my own that I've saved; she's gien hersel' to me for all time, an' we'll ask for your blessin' on us without any waitin'!"

When she thought hersel' safe, she took the road to Glasgow, where I was then living wi' my husband, wha is since dead.

His unfortunate lady, who sticked hersel for love wi' a drawn sword, and was afterwards seen as a ghost, dim-beckoning through the shadea verra poetical thocht surely, and full both of terror and pity.... North.

For several years she never was hersel' again, and just seemed dwinin' awa.

Were the Germans no near bein' able to starve us oot and win the war wi' their submarines, And shouldna Britain ha' been able, as she was once, to feed hersel' frae her ain soil?

But she never managed to cheat hersel'.

She's the last to mak' hersel' cheap."

I've seen her sitting by his cradle, moaning to hersel', 'I did so want to be good!

It's been i' th' family for years an' years; and hoo'd weshed it hersel' an' put it on th' hedge to dry, an' soombry coom an' whipped it off.

Ha, th' owd lass has called him back hersel'.

If she can't make up her mind to give over upsettin' hersel' along o' he you may take her home-along, Mrs. Pitcher.

" "Ah, sure, I'd do annything to hilp yiz through; an' I'm sure, I taks an intheresht in yiz ahl, down to the little cat hersel'; an' indeed I niver tuk an intheresht in anny little cat but that little cat; but I couldn't go live where it wud be so loahnsome, an' I can't be out oo a plaashe, ye see.

" It was no use talking; it was only transposing sentences; she "tuk a graat intheresht in us, an' sure she'd do annything to hilp us, but she mûst jûst be lukkin out fer hersel'."

At present she's nourishin' hersel' on teaher nineteenth cup for the day; but she'll be comin' shortly to embrace ye an' shut the shop.

'She's gey saft on them hersel', an' she micht be offendit if we refused them.

'An' she fancies hersel' for a swell!'

o' the Duchya very proud familyand didn't mean to dip the knee to nobody, and all the less because she'd demeaned hersel', to start with, by wedding a tailor.

They're rather out o' the common, an' 'Liza hersel' don't guess what they be, no more than the biggest fool here present amongst us.

Karin the fair, Karin the gay, She came on the morn of her bridal day, She came to the mill-pond clear and bright, And viewed hersel' in the morning light.

And she's like me in more than that, gin she doesn't sell hersel' for siller and gowd.

'She juist felled hersel at Graigo wi' straeberries and 'ream.'

25 examples of  hersel  in sentences