108 examples of hesitancy in sentences

There was no tremor in the hand that raised the dragon-headed knocker, nor hesitancy in the voice that bade the servant say that "Miss Boone requested a few moments' conversation with Miss Sprague.

Miss Milligan seemed struck with a sudden hesitancy.

Then came second thoughts, bringing doubt, hesitancy, mental struggling.

There was, perhaps, a little more timidity and hesitancy on my part than I have commonly shown among our people at the boarding-house.

" He moved round to the back of the settle and paused, looking down at the thick white hair with a curious expression of hesitancy in his eyes.

A strange hesitancy seizes me.

If all that a man has or is, if his death and his daily life, are wholly and relentlessly at the service of his ideal, without hesitancy or reservation, then he will achieve his object.

The man expressed much wonderment, and some hesitancy to trusting himself to the skill and strength of a bare-footed boy of five; but I assured him I was a veteran at the business.

And all this hesitancy, this tampering with conviction for fear of its consequences, this want of faithful dealing in the highest matters, is being intensified, aggravated, driven inwards like a fatal disorder toward the vital parts, by the existence of a State Church.

So it befell that the Wilbur twin shyly approached the group by the felled tree, and the watching father saw the two children, after a moment's hesitancy on the part of Juliana, disappear from view over the crest of the ridge.

I am grateful to you both for letting me come," Bedient said with strange animation, eager yet full of hesitancy.

At first, we thought little of the matter; for, our side of the stream having played us false, we felt no hesitancy in transferring our affections to the other side.

" I waited a moment in silence, permitting my hesitancy to become plainly apparent.

Yet with no halt or hesitancy, the gray mass moved slowly across the lawn, and then deliberately formed in line beneath the trees of the orchard.

" Her voice broke, and she pressed her hands to her eyes, as though to blot out the memory, yet her hesitancy was but for an instant.

There was not the slightest hesitancy exhibited.

Through bewilderment and hesitancy and doubt, they saw the lights of the future shining, and they fixed their eyes upon the amber lanterns as upon the visible symbols of their faith; they marched and marched.

"I confess I had some hesitancy, but not enough to prevent my carrying out the design.

And yet in the building of her own drama she has outstripped the inventor of stage plays in the matter of hesitancy.

There was a scarcely perceptible hesitancy; then she answered: "Through the newspapers.

It is not spring, but the hesitancy that holds before the season changes; yet each day there are new flowersnot our delicate wood flowers, but larger and coarser of fibre, and it adds a charm to them that I do not know their names.

Not only her lips, but equally her eyes, pressed the matter, and West experienced no hesitancy in saying yes.

The fact was pointed out that the situation was causing an uncertainty and hesitancy in business circles which was detrimental to all American interests.

I would most earnestly recommend to Congress to abstain from all appropriations for objects not absolutely necessary; but I take upon myself, without a moment of hesitancy, all the responsibility of recommending the increase and prompt equipment of that gallant Navy which has lighted up every sea with its victories and spread an imperishable glory over the country.

Those few words with Lucas Errol had decided her beyond all hesitancy, so completely was she in sympathy with this strong friend of hers.

108 examples of  hesitancy  in sentences