2079 examples of hesitations in sentences

The impression had become so firmly fixed in the public mind and in that of certain officials as well, that my early hesitations and misstatements were owing to a brotherly anxiety to distract attention from Arthur whose clothing they believed me to have recognised in these articles I have mentionedthat I rather gained than lost by what, under other circumstances would have seriously damaged my testimony.

"I am, therefore, spared the task of pressing upon your consideration these very natural and, I may add, laudable grounds for my client's many hesitations and suppressionswhich, under other circumstances, would militate so deeply against him in the eyes of an upright and impartial jury.

There are a thousand beauties to be discovered in the face, in the accent, in the bush-beating hesitations of a woman who is earnest about a subject she wants to introduce, yet knows not how.

And she was surprised to see that his face was full of troubled hesitations, showing almost dismay.

First the siege, with famine, separation and poverty; then the insurrection of Montmartre, surprises, hesitations, cannonading night and day, ceaseless musketry, mothers in tears, sons pursued, every calamity has fallen on this miserable city.

But while we know nothing whatever of Mrs. Armine's mental processes, Rebecca's temptations, struggles, sophistries, hesitations, resolves, and revulsions of feeling are all laid bare to us, so that we feel her to be no monster, but a living woman, comprehensible to our intelligence, and, however blameworthy, not wholly beyond the range of our sympathies.

" Four days later her hesitations came to an end, and they were engaged to be married.

He hopes, among other things, for an improved General Staff, composed of officers acquainted with war in all its phasesland, sea and airwho could give the Cabinet expert advice on war as a whole, and save it (we inferred) from such hesitations as led to the glorious tragedy of Gallipoli.

[Client ultimately withdraws, but still with reluctance, and after two or three hesitations and half-turns back.

In the eighth chapter of this book I have discussed the hesitations with regard to the interior of the sacristy which are revealed by some of his extant designs for it.

Certainly his hesitations were capable of misinterpretation, and Miss Watson said, her voice trembling, 'Of course we know we have no right here, we are intruding; but we are making preparations....

It required the peremptory resolution of this man to set aside the innumerable considerations, arguments, hesitations, difficulties; what this person knew, and that person knew better; the opinions, up and down, and backward and forward, which every friend volunteered.

I, who am neither a soldier nor a woman, I have hesitations.

Lord Fisher, whose doubts and hesitations about the Dardanelles expedition were referred to by the late First Lord, has been content to leave his record of sixty-one years' service in the hands of his countrymen.

Topham tried the commonplaces naturally suggested by the situation; they were received with gratitude, but still Mr. Wigmore hung his head and talked vaguely, with hesitations, pauses.



I believe he hovered through long hesitations about the fields of the Hickleybrow glebe, and finally, when that squealing began, took the line of least resistance out of his perplexities into the Incognito.

I can dance one-steps and fox-trots and hesitations as well as anybody!

A hundred representations succeeding the first uninterruptedly, and the public still eager to applaud, such was the twofold result of the audacities of the piece and the timid hesitations of its censors.

Louis XVI.'s hesitations had disappeared: he was full of hope.

The moment he opened the door, however, all his fears and hesitations were gone.

I will confess to very real fears and hesitations as I climbed the dark stairs (the lift was, of course, not working).

" In short, in such altercations, in hesitations between refusal and acquiescence, a tedious month passed heavily over my head, accompanied with future hopes and fears; I used every day to devote my services to the old man, and every day, with flattering speeches, I entreated him [to grant my boon].

It is a world where the hesitations and the pettinesses and the squalors of this earth have been fired out; a world where ugliness is a forgotten name, and lust itself has grown ethereal; where anguish has become a grace and death a glory, and love the beginning and the end of all.

2079 examples of  hesitations  in sentences