134 examples of hideously in sentences

Then he grew very redthen hideously palethen, as if highly amused with what I had insinuated, he began a loud and boisterous laugh, which, to my astonishment, he kept up, with gradually increasing vigor, for ten minutes or more.

They approached him and smelled him, grinning hideously and disclosing their gums.

Schreiermeyer, rapacious and glittering, had a photograph of her hideously enamelled in colours inside the cover of his watch, and the facsimile of her autograph was engraved across the lid of his silver cigarette-case.

It was a slip of papyrus covered with the design now so hideously familiar, except only that the two central figures were wanting.

An adjournment is then taken for dinner, and in the afternoon, six gorgeously painted and hideously decorated clowns come forward and go through a series of antics calculated to disgust rather than amuse the spectator.

And those measures, hideously efficient in themselves, are, beyond any doubt whatever, only the precursors of more sweeping exterminations of the Arab race, which will be effected after the war, if the Allied Powers do not step in to save it.

The Ford writhed forward hideously in its death agony.

For an instant, a picture of that adored young face hideously disfigured turned him sick.

He laughed hideously, and his face twitched.

When I returned to the Temple, the sitting-room was empty and hideously neat, as the result of Polton's spring-cleaning efforts.

There is the cathedrala striking object from a distance, tho' the interior is hideously bare.

But in their insistence upon this particular minute I had found something so hideously solemn, yet mock-solemn, personal, and as it were addressed to me, that when my own watch dared to point to the same moment, I was thrown into one of those sudden, paroxysmal, panting turmoils of mind, half rage, half horror, which have hardly once visited me since I left the Boreal.

Hideously frequent is this nonsense now become with mein streets of townsin deep nooks of the country: the invincible assurance that, if I but turn the head, and glance thereat a certain fixed spotI shall surely seeI must seea man.

He" The prisoner figure toppled back against Adam's breast and the mouth opened hideously.

The cripple, hideously agile, scrambled out and held the boat; Simpson gathered up his bag and followed.

no good is unaccompanied by evil; hideously deformed dwarfs haunt the streets and promenades of the good town, and the eye of the observer, after having rested with complacency on the round and well-turned form of the smart soubrette, reverts with horror to the miserable Flibbertigibbets which abound in a frightful proportion to the whole population.

It was hideously disfigured by a great scar thatcovering the entire cheek and neckdistorted the corner of the mouth, drew down the lower lid of the eye, and twisted her features into an ugly caricature.

A spasm of coughing seized him; he gasped and choked, his wasted body shaken and racked, his dissipated face hideously distorted by the violence of the paroxysm.

Can you deny me my turn?" He laughed with a hideously mirthless chuckle as he returned with ghastly humor, "I have had the worth of my money.

The old woman, on the contrary, was hideously ugly.

The black yelled hideously.

Even then there would have been time for the horseman to turn back, and dash through a handful of men behind him, but either he was ashamed of turning from the first conflict, or he was desirous, at any risk, to reach Kolozsvar at the appointed time, and instead of retreating by the bridge, he galloped towards the other end of the pass, where the enemy rushed upon him from every side, yelling hideously.

The ancient daughter firmly believed that she possessed the fatal gift of beauty, although her elongated face was of the thickness and color of sole leather, and one eye was hideously closed, while the other was of spotless green.

At length, through an ante-chamber lined with a double file of grim old family portraitssome so blackened with age and dust as to be totally indistinguishable, and others bulging hideously out of their frameswe came to the library, a really noble room, lofty, panelled with walnut wood, floored with polished oak, and looking over a wide expanse of level country.

" I bowed nervouslyI was always nervous in his presenceand tried to write faster than ever; but, feeling his cold blue eye upon me, made a blot, smeared it with my sleeve, left one word out, wrote another twice over, and was continually tripped up by my pen, which sputtered hideously and covered the page with florid passages in little round spots, which only needed tails to become crotchets and quavers.

134 examples of  hideously  in sentences