5 examples of high-frequency in sentences

In fact, we are identical to our previous selves except that our bodies are composed of high-frequency molecules as opposed to the low frequency molecules of our earthly bodies."

The Ruhmkorff induction coil has in late years been greatly improved both by Tesla and Elihu Thomson, who, separately and independently of each other, have produced excellent forms of high-frequency induction coils.

<pb id='466.png' n='1971h2/A/3729' /> SCHULZ, E. H. Experiments in electronics and communication engineering; covering basic circuit theory, electronics, communication networks, radio and ultra-high-frequency techniques, by E. H. Schulz & L. T. Anderson.

<pb id='466.png' n='1971h2/A/3729' /> SCHULZ, E. H. Experiments in electronics and communication engineering; covering basic circuit theory, electronics, communication networks, radio and ultra-high-frequency techniques, by E. H. Schulz & L. T. Anderson.

The sending apparatus was so arranged that continuous oscillations are set up in the ether, either by a high-frequency machine or from an electric arc.

5 examples of  high-frequency  in sentences