166 examples of high-spirited in sentences

And all the while they were being married he stampt and swore so, that the high-spirited Katherine trembled and shook with fear.

Otto died in 912, and his son Henry, a high-spirited youth, who had greatly distinguished himself against the Slavi, ere long quarrelled with the aged bishop Hatto.

"Not that I think she will get into any serious trouble, but there's no telling what a bevy of high-spirited girls will think up.

If she was a bit more subdued, a trifle less high-spirited than was her habit, if she refused positively to sit with her back to any door or to retire for the night until her quarters had been examined, if (as Lanyard suspected) she was never unarmed for a moment, day or night, she permitted no signs of mental strain to mar the serenity of her countenance or betray the studied graciousness of her gestures.

Are a high-spirited people like the Mahomedans expected to do less?

"Well, yes, you may say that, sir," said the landlord, but doubtfully, "though it don't seem as if Miss Ida was in need of much pity; she is so bright andand high-spirited, as you may say; though it's a wonder she can be so, seeing the life she leads, alone in that great place with her father, who never goes beyond the garden, and who shuts himself up with his books all day.

But it so happened that these two, being also high-spirited, carried the difference farther than is usual with smitten, callow males and females, and let the breach widen until they separated, as they thought, finally.

Zea favored the suit of the high-spirited and clever young Englishman, whose intelligence, independence, and perseverance, to say nothing of his good looks and his engaging manners, had quite won his heart.

All his pleasures were those usual to ardent and high-spirited men, although his delicate constitution seemed to forbid the indulgence of hunting, tennis, and the other violent exercises in which he delighted.

She's a high-spirited girl, and all Sunwich is laughing over her father's mishap.

They were a large, young family, five boys and five girls, ranging from the ages of three years old to eighteen in 1830, when her diaries begin, all eager, high-spirited children, and exceptionally strong and healthy.

he said in confusion; and quickly Wiped the high-spirited youth his tears away.

Meanwhile the high-spirited Countess held Bamburgh against all assailants; but Mowbray's capture gave Rufus an advantage he was not slow to use.

There was nothing vicious in his character, but he was one of those high-spirited and daring men, that whips, chains, fetters, and all the means of cruelty in the power of slavery, could not subdue.

" THE MULE One morning a Mule, who had too much to eat and too little to do, began to think himself a very fine fellow indeed, and frisked about saying, "My father was undoubtedly a high-spirited horse and I take after him entirely."

The sweeter and more loving natures become prudes; the more shallow as well as the more high-spirited and merry natures become flirts.

A long, shrill whistle, with the words, "Good humour, ahoy!" had hitherto served to keep down the rising tempers of the different parties, when the joke bore too hard on the high-spirited soldier, or the revengeful, though perhaps less mettlesome, member of the after-guard.

Even now, after the recent publication of all the letters relating to these transactions, it is difficult to put any construction on Mr. Pitt's conduct which is consistent with the high-spirited independence which one desires to believe to have been a leading feature of his character.

He was driving a horse, apparently a high-spirited creature, possessing, so far as I could see at a glance, the marks of good temper and good breeding; the gentleman, I had heard it suggested, was slightly deficient in both.

This afternoon, however, when she said so much to him, he was conscious of a very little irritation, for he was naturally high-spirited.

'Such,' turning to me, 'is to be our fateto be shot down like brutes!' "'Well, sir,' said the commanding officer, who overheard him, 'are you afraid?' "'No,' replied the high-spirited young man, 'I can march up to the enemy where you dare not show your face.'

For a time, fortunately, Milan had little opportunity of continuing the feud of recrimination with his high-spirited and hot-tempered spouse.

Frank was a handsome, high-spirited boy, about sixteen years of age.

These high-spirited British lads, whom two years of cruelty have not cowed, are an intense puzzle to the German authorities.

Philip was very fond of his Nana, and in general good and obedient; but what high-spirited boy is proof against the allurements of the only example before him of young manhood, assuring him that it was manly not to mind what the women said, nor to be tied to the apron-strings of his grand-dame's abigail?

166 examples of  high-spirited  in sentences