199 examples of highest standard in sentences

There you behold Granny DANA, shaking her "brawny bunch of fives" in the face of Granny YOUNG, whose manner of wringing out the linen, you will observe, is up to the highest Standard of that branch of art.

When compared with the bulk of other nations, the Americans, though so remote and insulated, are scarcely provincial, for it is only when the highest standard of this nation is compared with the highest standard of other nations, that we detect the great deficiency that actually exists.

When compared with the bulk of other nations, the Americans, though so remote and insulated, are scarcely provincial, for it is only when the highest standard of this nation is compared with the highest standard of other nations, that we detect the great deficiency that actually exists.

Hamilton erred by our highest standard, but not when judged by the circumstances that surrounded him.

I say, "the exigency of circumstances has raised the question of foreign policy to the highest standard of importance,the question is introduced to the Congress, it must therefore be brought to a decision, it cannot be passed in silence any more.

The minute account of its review by Xerxes on the shores of the Hellespont proves that, however inefficient the semi-civilised contingents accompanying it may have been, the regular Persian army appeared, in discipline, equipment, and drill, to have come up to the highest standard of the most intense 'pipeclay' epoch.

The test of our faith, the highest standard of civilization is the readiness to sacrifice for others.

Our oppressors are not very ready to credit our exertion,too often forgetting the effects of our long degradation, and vainly expecting to see us arise at once, to the highest standard of elevation, able to cope successfully with those who have known no such discouragements or disadvantages, as has been our lot to bear.

The most noteworthy in England is the Hibbert Journal, which follows in the line of other reviews of high standard in past years, and which specially illustrates the spirit animating a large and influential section of the body.

This "noble-minded African," at least, estimated his own desert at a high standard: he demanded freedom,and obtained it.

So are human beings, referred to the highest standard, the celestial fruit which they suggest and aspire to bear, browsed on by fate; and only the most persistent and strongest genius defends itself and prevails, sends a tender scion upward at last, and drops its perfect fruit on the ungrateful earth.

The courts of justice have reached a high standard; the lower courts are administered almost exclusively by natives; the higher courts by English and natives together.

His theories and sermons are embraced in a volume known as the "Granth," the Sikh Bible, which teaches the highest standard of morality, purity and courage, and appeals especially to the nobler northern races of India.

In the most distressed districts of the central provinces 16 per cent was regarded in 1896-7 as a very high standard of relief.

The foregoing remarks on the constitution of the United States appear to me conclusive as to one factviz., that the democratic element may be introduced so largely as that, despite a high standard of national education and worldly prosperity, its influence will produce the most pernicious effect upon the government of the country.

From the very beginning Marconi had set a high standard for himself.

[New Orleans, 1911.]] Such an exhibit would have been the despair of the average ante-bellum planter, for instead of choosing among hundreds of applicants and rejecting or discharging those who fell short of a high standard, he had to make shift with such laborers as the slave traders chanced to bring or as his women chanced to rear.

The names of these magazines will readily occur to the reader, and, as they occur, he cannot but reflect that it was just editorial individuality and a high standard of policy that made them what they are, and what, it is ardently to be hoped, they will still continue to be.

He made the Review an independent and able exponent of current thought, and he kept it up to a very high standard of literary excellence.

Whatever he did was so well done that he was naturally followed as a model by those who were seeking a high standard.

The characteristic sign of a mind of the highest standard is the directness of its judgment.

When he had brought this to the highest standard of perfection ever attained, he devoted the surplus capital of skill, experience and pecuniary means he had acquired from the process to the breeding of cattle; and he became nearly as eminent in this field of improvement as in the other.

A high standard of intelligence is required, and lapses are not overlooked.

You urge that it is unprecedented to have at a dignified institution, which aims at a high standard, under the superintendence of a professor, such a performance; that it excites the prejudices of some people against us; and you quote the sharp remarks of David's Harp, the organ of the Dunkers.

The fact is, that the nature of troubadour poetry and its homage to the married woman were incompatible with the highest standard of religious devotion.

199 examples of  highest standard  in sentences