28 examples of highly intelligent in sentences

They were highly intelligent and courteous gentlemen, and if their future shall equal the promise of the present, they will make their mark in the world.

I have found that it answers very well where the parties are highly intelligent-like myself, for example.

The effect of the war with Japan, in 1894, was something quite different, beginning the real awakening of China and imparting life and vigor to the new reform movement which had its origin in Canton, the great city of the south, whose highly intelligent people have most quickly felt and most readily and strongly responded to outside influences.

They felt that many things were not right; for ours is a highly intelligent army and knows more of medicine and surgery than we, in our blindness, realise.

I'm going to trace it to its source; I'm going to compare notes with this highly intelligent girl.

Of course, I don't require much assistancemerely clerical help, but it's got to be of a highly intelligent and specialized sort.

Sarah had taught all she knew to two highly intelligent pupils, and had survived her usefulness.

The one great feature of Mars which led Mr. Lowell to adopt the view of its being inhabited by a race of highly intelligent beings, and, with ever-increasing discovery to uphold this theory to the present time, is undoubtedly that of the so-called 'canals'their straightness, their enormous length, their great abundance, and their extension over the planet's whole surface from one polar snow-cap to the other.

The very immensity of this system, and its constant growth and extension during fifteen years of persistent observation, have so completely taken possession of his mind, that, after a very hasty glance at analogous facts and possibilities, he has declared them to be 'non-natural' therefore to be works of arttherefore to necessitate the presence of highly intelligent beings who have designed and constructed them.

He was laughed to scorn by the highly intelligent British Parliamentary Committee engaged in the investigation of his new method of land traveling.

I heard men called shrewd and wise, and report said they were highly intelligent and successful.

As a sporting dog, the Clumber is possessed of the very best of noses, a natural inclination both to hunt his game and retrieve it when killed, great keenness and perseverance wonderful endurance and activity considering his massive build, and as a rule is very easy to train, being highly intelligent and more docile and "biddable.

Even the Balkans were with us, in the shape of a tall, soldier-like Bulgarian with a heavy mustache and the eyes of a kindly and highly intelligent hawk.

" "He was a short, squat, colored man, with a highly intelligent face, hair slightly tinged with gray and an air of alertness which makes him stand out in sharp contrast with the other messengers whom one meets in the halls of the big building.

A highly intelligent slave, who panted after freedom with ceaseless longings, made many attempts to get possession of himself.

He is highly intelligent, and of fine moral feelings.

A highly intelligent slave, who panted after freedom with ceaseless longings, made many attempts to get possession of himself.

Clarissa is, as has been well said, the "Eve of fiction, the prototype of the modern heroine"; feminine psychology as good as unknown before (Shakespeare's women being the "Fridays" of a highly intelligent Crusoe) has hardly been brought further since.

There was a highly intelligent and remarkably representative audience of the nation at a magnificent banquet in the hall decorated regardless of cost.

But the truth is, that I have just been reading a thick pamphlet written by a mass of highly intelligent men who seem never to have heard of any of these truisms in their lives.

As a class they are gentle, affectionate, industrious, well-meaning and highly intelligent.

The highly intelligent threadworm neither knows nor cares that the point of intersection of two lines in his diagram represents a point in a space to which he is a stranger.

His method of work, as described by several highly intelligent observers, is somewhat as follows:There are two tables in the room of séance, at one of which sits the Medium, at the other the visitor.

In the vertebrate series, the least intelligent members, namely fishes and amphibians, do not possess complex instincts; and among mammals the animal most remarkable for its instincts, namely the beaver, is highly intelligent, as will be admitted by every one who has read Mr. Morgan's excellent work.

When I was in the South many years ago I conversed frequently with two highly intelligent men, both of whom agreed in saying that the immense value of the slaves as property was the only real obstacle to their manumission, and that whenever the Southerners became convinced that it was their interest to free them they would very soon find the means to do it.

28 examples of  highly intelligent  in sentences