1614006 examples of him in sentences

But I should imagine her husband would meet her there supposing him to be in town.

The fond mother had had this masterpiece framed and glazed in the days when her son was still a little lad, unspoiled by University life and those splendid aspirations which afterwards made his home hateful to him.

The sick-room and the dark shadow of coming death brought back the thought of that bitter time when her uncle was lying unconscious and speechless in the pretty room at Lidford, with the wintry light shining coldly upon his stony face; while she sat by his pillow, watching him in hopeless silent agony, waiting for that dread change which they had told her was the only change that could come to him on earth.

She stretched out her arms, and would have fallen upon his breast; but something in his manner repelled her, something downcast and nervous, which had a chilling effect upon her, and gave her time to remember how little cause she had to love him.

If she should have children, it will go to them on her death; if she should die childless, it will go to her father, supposing him to survive her.

" "And yet, without a shred of evidence, you believe him guilty of betraying you.

If his successful rival had been indeed a stranger to him, what reason could there be for so much mystery in the circumstances of the marriage?

and why should Marian have so carefully avoided telling him anything about her husband?

Go to him at once, and tell him my suspicion, tax him broadly with treachery, and force him to a direct confession or denial?

Go to him at once, and tell him my suspicion, tax him broadly with treachery, and force him to a direct confession or denial?

I never saw any one seem so shocked and horrified as he did when we told him how his wife had been missing for more than four-and-twenty hours.

She would have gone anywhere with him, at a moment's notice.

It seemed hardly probable that she would have gone to meet any one but him, or that any one else would have appointed a meeting on the river-bank.

can all the memory of the past plead with me for him when I think of these things?

" "You have heard nothing of him, then, I presume?" "Nothing.

That suspicion which of late had been perpetually floating dimly in his brainthat vague distrust of his one chosen friend, John Saltram, flashed upon him in this moment with a new distinctness.

" The revelation scarcely seemed a surprise to him.

Gilbert wrote: to his sister telling her that he had particular business which detained him in town.

It was all the more singular, too, because of late William Carley had been especially silent and moody, with the air of a man whose mind is weighed down by some heavy burdenso gloomy indeed, that his daughter had questioned him more than once, entreating to know if he were distressed by any secret trouble, anything going wrong about the farm, and so on.

"O father, I hope you believe that!" "I shall know what to believe when I know what you're going to do," the bailiff answered moodily; and his daughter knew him too well to hope for any more gracious speech than this.

" The girl drew herself hastily from his embrace, and turned away from him with a shudder.

A second glance showed him that this lady was Mrs. Branston.

That gentleman, however, was not disposed to make light of the duty committed to him; whether from a professional habit of exaggerating the importance of any mission undertaken by him, or in perfect singleness of mind, it is not easy to say.

I'll set a watch upon Mr. Medler's offices, and I'll circumvent him by means of his clerk, if I can; but it's my rooted conviction that Mrs. Holbrook never left Hampshire.

I was informed that if one of those animals be wounded, its screams will draw an immense concourse of its brethren around it, and that the situation of a person under these circumstances, is by no means void of danger; as they will not fail to attack him en masse.

1614006 examples of  him  in sentences