4792 examples of hinted in sentences

You hinted at it yourself.

" "Folks have hinted I'm getting a back-number," Cartwright remarked.

Moreover, Cartwright had hinted that he expected them to run risks, and Lister had promised Barbara to help him out.

But doubtless mutual friends have already hinted to you of my propensities at cardsand other things.

It was time that he should begin to learn; and his godfather and guardian hinted that he hoped to be allowed to defray the charges of the boy's education, which would fall heavily upon his mother's straitened income.

After that time the Misses Dobbin frequently invited Georgie to visit them, and hinted to Amelia that his aunt had shown her inclination; perhaps his grandfather himself might be disposed to be reconciled to him in time.

And lastly, the third temptation looks at first sight so preposterous that it seems silly of the evil spirit to have hinted at it.

We have but hinted at the barest outlines of Mr. D'Arcy's argument which, as against Idealism, is close-reasoned and subtle; and now we have left but little space to deal with the more really interesting chapter on the "Ultimate Unity."

And she calls me a dear and is nicer to me than she's been in months!" Bob briefly outlined something of the Guerin history, for Betty had told him of the lost treasure in her hurried note, and hinted his belief that the girls had very little money in comparison to Shadyside standards.

Ada Nansen was eager to be assigned a partthe players were chosen on meritand she aspired modestly to the leading rôle, mainly because, the girls hinted, the heroine wore a red velvet dress with a train and a string of pearls.

In return, Delia requested of her friend to explain to her more intelligibly what she hinted of the anger of lord Martin.

The peer, as we have already hinted, was the suitor most favoured by the father of our heroine.

And from a squat denwhere on a translucent placard in the dull window flickered the words "Foreign Earth," and the guttering door-lantern hinted "As You Like It"there came a sweet, insidious, potent smell that seemed more poisonous than mere opium.

Phinuit hinted hopefully.

The pressure of a hand upon his own roused him to discover the Liane Delorme had seated herself beside him, in a chair that looked the other way, so that her face was not far from his; and he could scarcely be unaware of its hinted beauty, now wan and glimmering in starlight, enigmatic with soft, close shadows.

Monk's attitude hinted at a possible rift in the entente cordiale of the conspirators.

" "I hinted of the matter to your excellencies, as a consideration for your wisdom; methinks it will be something gained to remove one so dangerous from the recollection and from before the eyes of a love-sick maiden.

To him he mentioned his wish for actual service, but hinted that the maternal fondness of Lady Margaret was averse to his seeking it.

They called him a pioneer, one who had added to the Empire, they hinted at a public funeraland they all discreetly ascribed telling upon a weak heart.

If, therefore, you still retain any wish to do me the honour you hinted at, I shall be most happy to meet you when, where, and how you please, and I presume you will not attribute my saying thus much to any unworthy motive.

Afterwards, as a slaver, and even, as it was hinted, as a pirate, he had left an evil name behind him in the Bight of Benin.

So you would not only be injuring yourself, but her also.' Luke fired up at this, and unkindly hinted that his mother did not wish to have a companion to share their home.

Yet he had himself acquiesced in her quiet but inflexible showing of the futility of attempting such an overturning of Giustiniani traditions, though he still went with dangerous frequency to the studio of the Veronese, to which she had procured him entrance upon his promise that he would not seriously consider that impossible possibility at which he had hinted.

In my Dialogue, as I before hinted, several persons maintained their several opinions.

Archelaus did not want to fight, but Dorylaus hinted at treachery and had, no doubt, been ordered by Mithridates to avenge Chaeroneia.

4792 examples of  hinted  in sentences