75 examples of histology in sentences

Gross anatomy became better known, owing for the most part to more enlightened legislation on the subject of the dissection of the human body; minute anatomy (histology) sprang into existence as the result of improvements of the compound microscope.


We shall content ourselves here with introducing one or two diagrams and photo-micrographs, and dealing with the histology very briefly.

A text-book of histology.

R86077, 8Nov51, Mrs. Alexander Lowy (W) & Benjamin Harrow (A) LUCKE, BALDWIN, tr. Introduction to the histology and histopathology of the nervous system.

R82013, 10Aug51, Cyrus McCormick (C) MCCRINDLE, SUSAN (ERTZ) SEE Ertz, Susan <pb id='127.png' n='1951h2/A/0649' /> MCCUTCHEON, MORTON, tr. Introduction to the histology and histopathology of the nervous system.

Introduction to the histology and histopathology of the nervous system.

A laboratory guide in histology.

ADDISON, WILLIAM H. F. Piersol's normal histology.

A textbook of histology.

Thomas Y. Crowell Co. (PWH); 27Feb58; R209486. <pb id='121.png' n='1958h1/A/0753' /> MAXIMOW, ALEXANDER A. A text-book of histology, by Alexander A. Maximow and William Bloom.

A textbook of histology.

A textbook of histology.

GATZ, ARTHUR J. An outline manual for the study of histology.

R652319. Textbook of histology.

Thomas Y. Crowell Co. (PWH); 27Feb58; R209486. <pb id='121.png' n='1958h1/A/0753' /> MAXIMOW, ALEXANDER A. A text-book of histology, by Alexander A. Maximow and William Bloom.

COWDRY, E. V. Textbook of histology.

A textbook of histology.

A textbook of histology.

A textbook of histology.

Thomas Y. Crowell Co. (PWH); 24Nov65; R374492. MAXIMOW, ALEXANDER A. A textbook of histology.

The retina, the anatomy and the histology of the retina in man, ape, and monkey.

SEE Polyak, Stephen L. POLYAK, STEPHEN L. The retina, the anatomy and the histology of the retina in man, ape, and monkey, including physiological considerations, the history of the physiological optics and the histological laboratory technique.

A textbook of histology.

He was constantly at war with the pathologist over the question of where histology left off and pathology began, and both of them were inclined to differ with the man in charge of the hygienic laboratory over similar questions of jurisdiction.

75 examples of  histology  in sentences