759 examples of hitch in sentences

It required several men to hitch up this frisky team, as a man had to hold on to each one of the horses by the bits, while they were stringing them out.

I immediately told one of our men to hitch his horses to a wagon and follow me, as I was going out after the herd, and we would bring back some fresh meat for supper.

The pack was slung on the Boy's back, and he was throwing the diamond hitch to fasten it when the Colonel at last looked round.

Davis, the arch-rebel, the chief architect of the Confederacy, under the same roof; in an hour, if no hitch come, the traitor would be bound and flying in trusty Union hands.

"I followed out your planit worked without a hitch.

They are those of his two sisters, one of whom had ordered him to hitch up the cutter for her to escape, as he had every reason to believe, the other.

I might as well admit that if I could just only see how you hitch all of this League and church business to real life, I would be for it with all I've got.

" "Just as soon as I can hitch up, cousin;" and Saul pitched in his last log, looking ready to put a girdle round the earth in less than forty minutes.

Yeou don't know nothin' abaout it; but ef yeou want tew see high dewin's, jest hitch onto a timber-drive an' go it daown along them lakes and rivers, say from Kaumchenungamooth tew Punnobscot Bay.

Some haouw I couldn't make up my mind which I'd hev, and kept dodgin', all ready to slew raound, an' hitch on tew ary

You with the fur cap hitch up the mules to the second wagon.

I gave my folks a story about camping with the Boy Scouts and hitch-hiked to Waterloo.

Have you ever had to hitch-hike, sleep in open fields, or hop a freight train?

The work was, probably, undertaken at the desire of Warren, the bookseller, and was printed at Birmingham; but it appears, in the Literary Magazine, or history of the works of the learned, for March, 1735, that it was published by Bettesworth and Hitch, Paternoster row.

De cullud angel, he mighty p'lite, an' he went up an' tuk de hoss, an' when de white angel had got down an' gone in, he went roun' lookin' fur a tree to hitch him to.

" "If he do come," said the stout, elderly neighbor, "I wish you'd let me know, Tom Peckett, fur my black mar has got a hitch in her shoulder I can't understand, and I'd like him to look at her.

Not," she added, with a quaint hitch of her chin and eyes, "that you need to be a very wonderful godmother to do that, indeed!"

"What a lot, and what a color!" Miss Wren with her usual expressive hitch, went on with her work.

A hitch in the line at that time, as it flew out of the tub, or any accidental entanglement, would have dragged the boat and crew right down: many such fatal accidents occur to whalers, and many a poor fellow has had a foot or an arm torn off, or been dragged overboard and drowned, in consequence of getting entangled.

Historyes of Troye, v. 459, n. 2. HITCH, Charles, i. 183. HOADLEY, Archbishop, i. 318, n. 4. HOADLEY, Dr. Benjamin, Suspicious Husband, The, ii. 50, n. 2. HOADLEY, Dr. John, letter to Garrick, ii. 69, n. 1.

If that is too much, in their debilitated condition, canter the animal; but if only a walking gait can be endured, why, hitch the horse in the stall and go on foot.

I think we must have been there, waiting and coaxing, nearly half an hour, before she began to hitch along; for walk she wouldn't, and she didn't.

She descended beside him like a softly accompanying white cloud; her dress was of tulle, without a hitch or a puff or a festoon about it.

As for that aunt of mine at Buntingford, there seems to be some hitch in it.

There is some hitch among them, and I make my surmises.

759 examples of  hitch  in sentences