759 examples of hitching in sentences

I dismounted, and after unsaddling my horse and hitching him to a tree, I prepared to start a fire.

As the stock-tenders were hitching them up, Bob, who was standing by, said, "I'll show them Englishmen that we 'blarsted heathens' do know something about staging in this country."

" "You been sent to the wrong place," declared Andy, hitching at his cartridge belt.

Her own horse she found at the hitching rack, and beside it Donnegan was on his chestnut horse.

The next day Mrs. Swiggart drove up to the barn, tied her horse to the hitching-post, and walked with impressive dignity up the garden path.

"They are hitching their plugs to the fence.

Finally they reached the post office, and Ripley drove around to a sort of hitching alley at its side.

Leaning against a curb hitching post was a person who enchained his attention.

By the time Mike had got through this sentiment he was on the staging, where he stood hitching up his nether garment, with a meaning grin on his face that gave a peculiar expression of heavy cunning to the massive jaw and capacious mouth, blended with an honesty and good- nature that the well-meaning fellow was seldom without when he addressed any of the captain's family.

Then hitching up the dinghy I added curiously: "What's up, Tommy?

Hitching the horse to a post, he started toward the spot in the big field where the two boys and the farmer awaited his coming, close beside the stranded aeroplane.

This eye shade, which may be pulled down so as to blind both eyes completely, is more useful than a hitching post in persuading the horse to stand still.

Then the man breaks off a heavy bunch of ripe nuts, and hitching it on the rope lets it go.

She played with her body, rubbing her breasts slowly and hitching up her nightshirt.

Hitching her roan mare in front of a confectionery shop, she entered for refreshment.

I heard him tell about a good hitching post where he could more than apt rent out his rig and how he always stopped and fed the horses when eating time come.

By half past two in the afternoon the country teams could be seen winding Bluff ward by all the various roads, and before three, the hour at which the gates were to be opened, every available hitching place was occupied, and the line of vehicles extended well up one of the back lanes that was bounded by a convenient rail fence.

When Horace Bradford drove homeward the afternoon of the fête, he was in a brown study, having no realization of time or place until the wise horse turned in at the barnyard gate, and after standing a moment by his usual hitching post, looked over his shoulder and gave a whinny to attract his master's attention.

Farm horses were tethered thickly along hitching racks and shoppers thronged the marts of trade.

Crossing was then comparatively easy by chipping off the sharp edge with short, careful strokes, and hitching forward an inch or two at a time, keeping my balance with my knees pressed against the sides.

All the hitching-posts along the streets would have horses tied to them, and inside, the house would be buzzing like a bee-hive with the chatter of that rustic gentry.

And Maggie, with a sullen look and hitching her coarse apron, had replied remarkably: "Ef Assy Gaale can wash fer er

For apart from any question of success or fame he had loved horses from the day when as a baby he had first sprawled in the straw of his Uncle Mike Aherne's livery and hitching stable in Dublin City.

Some day a story must be written called The Hitching Post, about those thousands of little cast-iron negro boys who stand so patiently on the green grass strips along village streets waiting to hold long-forgotten bridle reins.

In a few minutes the street was empty of all save the ponies at the hitching-rails.

759 examples of  hitching  in sentences