Do we say ho or hoe

ho 1685 occurrences

Who's this, Tootsicums?"] "Ho, ho!"

Ho, butler, a fresh pot!

A vous, Monsieur Winter, a frolic up-se-frieze:[90] cross, ho.' super naculum.

But what cared we, yo ho?

" "What ho!"

"Right ho!" said Mike.

The indecent word would have been known but for the delicacy or courtliness of Muratori, who substituted an et-cetera in its place, observing, that he had "covered" with it "an indecent word not fit to be printed" ("sotto quell'et-cetera ho io coperta un'indecente parola, che non era lecito di lasciar correre alle stampe."

Io t' ho scoperto la natura mia, E to conosco, the sei dotto e saggio; Se più parlassi, io non risponderia; Piacendoti dormir, dormiti ad aggio; E se meco parlar hai pur diletto, D'arme

Tu fai co 'l padre guerra a gran furore, Per prender suo paese e sua castella; Ed io quà son condotto per amore, E per piacer a quella damisella; Molte fiate son stato per onore E per la fede mia sopra la sella; Or sol per acquistar la bella dama Faccio battaglia, e d'altro non ho brama.

Diceva Orlando al Re: Le mie promesse Tutte ho servate, quante mai ne fei; Ma se quel che or mi chiedi io promettesse E s'io il giurassi, io non l'attenderei; Così poria spiccar mie membra istesse E levarmi di fronte gli occhi miei, E viver senza spirto e senza core, Come lasciar

The blind rejoiced to hear the cry, 'Jesus of Nazareth passeth by!' "Ho, all ye heavy-laden, come!

he knew Ran past, with eager cry, "Ho, Bartimeus!

While the impatient squire raged and fumed, old Hubert cried: "Ho, comrades, help!

And hop'st thou thence unscathed to go?Up drawbridge, groomswhat, Warder, ho! Let the portcullis fall.

"Ho, that one?" said Mr. Wilks, beating time and waiting further revelations.

"Ho, ho!" cried Orlando, "you too are for throwing stones, are you?"

"Ho, ho!" cried Orlando, "you too are for throwing stones, are you?"

Disse l' abate: Il ben venuto sia: Di quel ch' io ho, volentier ti daremo, Poi the tu credi al figliuol di Maria; E la cagion, cavalier, ti diremo, Acciò che non l'imputi a villania, Perchè a l'entrar resistenza facemo, E non ti volle aprir quel monachetto; Così intervien chi vive con sospetto.

Non ho morto nessun ne la battaglia.

Io t' ho tanto per fama ricordare Sentito a tutto il mondo, che nel core Sempre poi t' ebbi: e mi puoi comandare: E so del padre mio l'antico amore: Del tradimento tu tel puoi pensare:

Vegliantino Per la battaglia, e va correndo forte Dov' era Orlando, e diceva il meschino: Sappi ch' io ho fatto oggi il mio dovuto; E contra me nessun mai e venuto.

Molti pagani ho pur fatti morire; Però quel che ciò sia pensar non posso, Se non ch' io veggo la gente fuggire.

io t' ho seguito con perfetto amore: Non mi potresti dir maggiore ingiuria.

The next morning the hunt was commenced again, and as soon as the little Fawn heard the horns and the tally-ho of the sportsmen he could not rest, and said, "Sister, dear, open the door; I must be off."

Houghton Mifflin Co. (PWH); 19Oct66; R403284. HO, JUNG.

hoe 440 occurrences

The cure for this ill is not to sit still, Or frowst with a book by the fire; But to take a large hoe and a shovel also, And dig till you gently perspire.

The tilth of this my field by plough and hoe Yields me good hopebut

Of course, the application was not denied, though made in a manner so unexpected, and Joel stood in front of his old comrades at the hoe and plough, if not in arms, in less than a minute.

"Lard, I doan't take no account on Miss Zairy," said the road-mender, leaning on his hoe and looking sharply from the youthful lady to the middle-aged gentleman.

Mr. Bright tossed his hat on a bush, and, leaning on his hoe, sang in a stentorian voice: "I am an Abolitionist; I glory in the name.

Mr. Bright, who was cutting up weeds, stopped and listened, keeping time on the handle of his hoe.

Then the colored band came forward, hand in hand, and sang together, with a will, Whittier's immortal "Boat Song": "We own de hoe, we own de plough, We own de hands dat hold; We sell de pig, we sell de cow; But nebber chile be sold.

Everywhere the fields lay fallow: even where the war did not make havoc, there was a want of hands for the hoe and the sickle.

I walked slowly to get more of it, and the happy-sad singer minded me not, but kept on with his hoe and his song.

He, too, was serious and manly in his bearing, and showed no disposition to go back to his hoe till I broke off the interview,as if it were a point of good manners with him to await my pleasure.

It was only yesterday he broke the best hoe, by knocking stones about with it, and then told master it was my doing.

Monsieur Leclerc's soul was perturbed within him by these suggestions; he pulled up two young cauliflowers and reset their places with pigweeds; he hoed the nicely sloped border of the bed flat to the path, and then flung the hoe across the walk, and went off to his daily occupation with a new idea in his head.

One would come carrying an arm in one hand, and declaring that it had a mighty pain in it, and he could not use the hoe no way; another would make his appearance with both hands on his breast, and with a rueful look complain of a great pain in the stomach; a third came limping along, with a dreadful rheumatiz in his knees; and so on for a dozen or more.

I had taken a walk with a friend on his plantation, and approaching his gang of slaves, I sat down whilst he proceeded to the spot where they were at work; and addressing himself somewhat earnestly to a female who was wielding the hoe, in a moment caught up what I supposed a tobacco stick, (a stick some three feet in length on which the tobacco, when out, is suspended to dry.)

The woman crouched, and seemed stunned with the blows, but presently recommenced the motion of her hoe.

The average crops of Indian corn are about fifty bushels per acre, which when planted, they seldom plough or hoe more than once.

Although in tillage they used only the hoe, they had made much progress in some useful arts.

"Amble along, Sam!" To that amble he crooned to himself, pleasantly, half-dreamilyas if he voiced indirectly some inner thoughtquaint snatches of old song: "She came to the gate and she peeped in Grass and the weeds up to her chin; Said, 'A rake and a hoe and a fantail plow Would suit you better than a wife just now.'

The latter are horse-hoed three or four times; and as they are drilled on the flat, or without ridging the surface of the ground, they are crossed with a horse-hoe with eight V shaped blades.

They are drawn and graded with such precision that, when the plants are at a certain height, a horse-hoe, with eight blades, each wide enough to cut the whole intervening space between two rows, is passed, hoeing four or five drills at once.

Of course, if the lines of the drill and hoe did not exactly correspond with each other, whole rows of turnips would be cut up and destroyed.

Forthwith the ideal devourer of crops and herbs not only loses his appetite, but arising, smacks the earth with a hoe till the clods fly and the fields laugh with harvest.

The driver handed him a hoe; he examined it with silent interestuntil by signs he was requested to join the pastime.

With a sweep as quick as instinct the back of the hoe smote the driver full in the head.

" He was thrifty by divergent and economical methods, since he is credited in the records of the time with stealing a bushel and a half of wheat, of stealing a hoe, and of lying to the court, and of battery.

Do we say   ho   or  hoe