Do we say hoarse or horse

hoarse 1013 occurrences

Disturb'd and wild as ocean's troubled breast, When the hoarse tempest of the night is there Yet my complaining spirit asks no rest; This bleeding bosom cherishes despair.

Suddenly a hoarse cry paralysed three of them.

One of them shivered with terror and, clutching his companion, said in a hoarse whisper: "Our hour has come."

Certainly the one who was surprised when he saw what a pointed nose, and heard what a hoarse and angry voice that dog which he was pursuing had,was the boy!

He stood for a long time and only clattered with his bill; afterward he spoke in a hoarse and feeble voice.

She mocked, with a ludicrously feminine croak, the hoarse voice of a crow sailing over them.

She would sing one verse, pause, and sell copies of the song, then put a hand to her hoarse throat and sing again.

The Territorial may sing himself hoarse with his prayer to fall like a soldier, but when the bullets begin to wail around him, it is a thousand to one that he will duck his head.

He thus lost all means of ascertaining what was going forward; but the deathlike stillness around him, broken only by the hoarse tolling of a bell, by a wild shriek or other appalling cry, proclaimed too surely the terrible state of things.

"You'll drive, master," said he, with a hoarse chuckle.

"Here, here, here!" said the voice, sounding now so thick and hoarse that Katherine at once decided it must be one of the fishermen who had risked his life on the treacherous green of the swamp, although she wondered that anyone could have lived at Seal Cove for a week and not known of the danger that lay in the swamps.

Katherine cried, her voice hoarse, for she could hardly endure the strain of the waiting.

Aided by Phil he rose slowly to his feet, then said in a hoarse voice: "I don't think I can walk that bridge.

"What's the matter with 'Umpty-eight?" "She's all right!" went up the hoarse roar.

A great fluttering, cackling, and complaining was going on close to them, and a hoarse voice cried out: "One hundred and seventeen and three-quarters feathers to be multiplied by two-sevenths of a pound.

Now and then a fish leaped and splashed or a bull frog bellowed his hoarse "Better go home" into the silence.

At night he is very hoarse; he is advised to take medicine.

No, not he," answered a hoarse, cracked voice at my ear.

The boat-swain paused for a moment, as though about to speak, and then, apparently thinking better of it, bade her good-bye in a hoarse voice and walked feebly up the road.

he said, in a hoarse stage-whisper; and Zelma, again laying her hand upon his head, and looking starward, swore to be his, to command, to call, to hold,in life, in death, here, hereafter, evermore.

"What did I make you dat ar' flip for, 'cept you was so hoarse you oughtn' for to say a word?

The darkness seemed increasing, and the flapping of the bats and hoarse croaking of the night birds, disturbed by his progress through the branches, did not add to his comfort; when to his great joy, he felt a strong current of air, and found that he had at last apparently emerged from the thickest of the forest.

His ordinary voice was hoarse and gusty, and his smile diabolical.

I was inured to the apprehension of mischief, till at last the hoarse roarings of the beginning tempest had lost their power of annihilating my peace.

He entered upon a monologue that seemed interminable, his voice rising into a shrill excitement and then sinking into a hoarse whisper.

horse 20625 occurrences

The Georgia legislature by special act gave him a farm; he was welcomed in the tavern circle of chatting lawyers whenever his favorite Judge Dooly held court at his home village; and once when the formality of drawing his pension carried him to Savannah the governor of the state, seeing him pass, dragged him from his horse and quartered him as a guest in his house.

Furthermore there were no slaves committed for counterfeiting or forgery, horse stealing, slave stealing or aiding slaves to escape.

The highway robbers numbered 15, the horse thieves 20, and the thieves of other sorts falling within the purview of the vouchers 24, with no women in these categories.

In Alabama in 1827 a negro was convicted of rape at Tuscaloosa, and another in Washington County confessed after capture that while a runaway he had met Miss Winnie Caller, taken her from her horse, dragged her into the woods and butchered her "with circumstances too horrible to relate"; and at Mobile in 1849 a slave named Ben was sentenced to death for an attempt at rape upon a white woman.

The miscreants then loaded a horse with plunder from the house and made off, but they were shortly caught by pursuing citizens and hanged.

His horse, of course, would try to cut us up as we deployed on the beach.

A horse will pick its steps however fast it may go.

You will understand that my horse and I had been struck, the horse killed, and I with my ribs broken by the tumbril.

You will understand that my horse and I had been struck, the horse killed, and I with my ribs broken by the tumbril.

I took my sword, and I opened my dead horse, so well as I could, and I made space in him for me to lie, with one little hole for my mouth.

Then in the night, when I slept, there came the wolves to eat the horse, and they had a little pinch of me also, as you can see; but after that I was on guard with my pistols, and they had no more of me.

"What did you eat?" "Why, I ate the horse.

Soon came the news that the folk of Vienna, who had been cutting up Europe as if it had been a jigget of mutton, had flown back, each to his own country, and that every man and horse in their armies had their faces towards France.

But the Duke was as clever as he, for he had his horse and his light troops all round him, like a great spider's web, so that the moment a French foot stepped across the border he could close up all his men at the right place.

None of us dared move our heads, but every eye in the regiment whisked round, and there we saw an officer with the cockade of a general's aide-de-camp thundering down the road as hard as a great dapple-grey horse could carry him.

"That's heavy horse," said he.

Then in the evening the horse Harry was riding, in the matter of which he had been cheated by his cousin Will, at Castlewood, came down on his knees and sent the rider over his head.

That Mr. Warrington is still alive can be proved by the following letter, sent from the lady into whose house he was taken after his fall from Mr. Will's broken-kneed horse, to Mrs. Esmond Warrington.

Her carriage passed on; a minute afterwards a horse came clattering over the pavement behind Osborne's carriage, and Major Dobbin rode up.

One of Vronsky's chief pleasures was horse-racing, and at the brilliant races that season he himself rode his own splendid horse.

One of Vronsky's chief pleasures was horse-racing, and at the brilliant races that season he himself rode his own splendid horse.

He was picked up uninjured, but the horse had its back broken.

Get out of my daylight, you dog-robber, or I'll walk the little horse around your neck like a three-ringed circus.

Laddy's nose to keep him from talking horse to the Injun ponies, and prepared to sneak to where I'd rather be.

He's got an arm on him like the hind leg of a horse, and he uses an ax like a tack-hammer.

Do we say   hoarse   or  horse