10 examples of hoecakes in sentences

[U.S.]; cracker, doughnut; fatling^; hardtack, hoecake [U.S.], hominy

Hoecake is made exactly the same as flapjacks by substituting cornmeal for flour.

She said they would cut the hoecakes in half and put that in your pan, then pour the beef stew on top.

It was the best hoecake bread can be made.

"With bread and gunpowder one may go anywhere," said Napoleon,but with limited hoecake and no gunpowder, even Governor Wise would wisely retreat.

Emmeline told of how they would stop for the night on the rough journey, and while the men fed the stock, the women and slaves would cook the evening meal of hoecake, fried venison, and coffee.

Hoecake and bacon were its basis and often its whole content.

We'd get that hoecake out of the ashes and wash it off until it looked like it was as clean as bread cooked in a skillet.

At supper-time us had hoecake an' cold vi'tals.

I ate some bacon and hoecake which I found in the haversack; while doing this, I took a good look at my gun and accoutrements.

10 examples of  hoecakes  in sentences