40 examples of holde in sentences

In the "Salisbury Manual" of 1555 it stands thus: "I, N, take thee, M, to my wedded wyf, to have and to holde fro this day forwarde, for better for wors, for richer for poorer, in sicknesse and in hele, tyl deth us departe.

In court to serve decked with fresh araye, Of sugared meats seling the sweet repast, The life in blankets, and sundry kinds of playe, Amidst the press the worldly looks to waste, Hath with it joyned oft such bitter taste, That whoso joys such kind of life to holde, In prison joys, fetter'd with chains of golde.

All which Sir, though I most powerfully, and potently beleeue; yet I holde it not Honestie to haue it thus set downe: For you

For he defendethe no man to holde no lawe, other than him lykethe.

And therfore I schall holde me stille, and retornen to that that I have seen.

Wherfore I wole holde me stille, with outen ony more rehercyng of dyversiteez or of marvaylles, that ben bezonde, to that entent and ende, that who so wil gon in to the contrees, he schalle fynde y nowe to speke of, that I have not touched of in no wyse.

This is a very faire strong holde, and the strongest and greatest in the Iland.

And because it could neuer be knowen yet how this fire beganne, they haue and doe holde the same for a most sinister augurie, and an euident and manifest signe of their vtter ruine.

"The maner and secrete to conserue a man's youth, and to holde back olde age, to maintaine a man always in helth and strength, as in the fayrest floure of his yeres.

Foole, holde off hand, foole; let de Doctor speake.

Lay holde upon him, helpe the Doctor there!

Slid, holde your hands.

Holde, villaine; tis the young prince Alberdure.

I pray thee keepe thy dainties; I am full Of bitter sorrowes as my hart can holde.

My Lord, I here protest by earth and heaven I holde your state right highlie and renowned And your faire sisters beauties and deserts To be most worthy the greatest king alive; Onlie an ominous vision troubled me And hindred the wisht speede I would have made (Not to dissolve it, though it were diferd,)

Keepe alonge Close by the shoare, the rocks will shelter us And may perhapps affoord us lobsters, praunes, Shrimps, crabbes, and such lyke shell fishe; hence[80] we may Hunt the sea urchen, and with safety too; There's many holde hime for a dayntye fishe, Hee sells well in the markett.

Ile holde thy head; come, up with't! Acut.

Good; there we have a farther scope, and holde the sea can (as a looking glasse) answer with a meere simile any mooving shape uppon the earth.

Why, ifaith, I must; I can not soothe the World With velvet words and oyly flatteries, And kiss the sweatie feet of magnitude To purchace smiles or a deade mans office; I cannot holde to see a rib of man, A moytie of it selfe, commaund the whole; Bafful and bend to muliebritie.

I can holde no longer: heare you, sir, are not you a foole?

His willing minde doth strive to make the peace Betwixt our discord thoughts; his free consent Is given to Lentulus; there, Tulley, take on holde, And, when a Sunne of thy intent shines fayre, Onset loves fort with polliticke assaults And conquer; conquest in obtaining that Where victors are repulsed.

But some of them the Turke cannot subdue, for that they holde certaine Ilandes in the riuer Euphrates which the Turke cannot winne of them.

They will kill nothing not so much as a louse; for they holde it a sinne to kill any thing.

Of the amber they holde diuers opinions; but most men say it commeth out of the sea, and that they finde it vpon the shores side.

By this English man I was instructed of all the wayes, trades, and voyages of the countrey, betweene Aleppo and Ormus, and of all the ordinances and common customes which they vsually holde during their voyage ouer the land, as also of the places and townes where they passed.

40 examples of  holde  in sentences