7 examples of holstered in sentences

Plainly he was ready for fight or flight, and his right hand was toying constantly with the holstered butt of his gun.

Racey promptly holstered his sixshooter.

They sucked their hisses back down their frightened gullets so swiftly that the exertion well-nigh choked them, and shrank flat against the wall; and, for all the sound that came from them until he had holstered his hardware and trotted on, they might have been dead men and women.

Was the gringo mad? Waring holstered his gun with a jerk.

" The foreman holstered the gun and reined round toward Waring.

Bohannan laughed like a boy, and holstered his gun.

and what wouldst thou?" demanded James, who had checked his horse with such suddenness as almost to throw himself out of his high-holstered saddle.

7 examples of  holstered  in sentences