2505 examples of homered in sentences

In the ninth inning, Heinie Groh singled and Art Wilson homered, and we won, four to three.

There is in these several Characters of Homer, a certain Dignity as well as Novelty, which adapts them in a more peculiar manner to the Nature of an Heroic Poem.

In this, and some other very few Instances, Aristotle's Rules for Epic Poetry (which he had drawn from his Reflections upon Homer) cannot be supposed to quadrate exactly with the Heroic Poems which have been made since his Time; since it is plain his Rules would [still have been ] more perfect, could he have perused the Æneid which was made some hundred Years after his Death.

Thirdly, we shall shew, that besides their Newness, they have vastly the Advantage of Homer and Virgil.]

Homer and Virgil introduced Persons whose Characters are commonly known among Men, and such as are to be met with either in History, or in ordinary Conversation.

Virgil in this Particular falls short of Homer.

He every where charms and pleases us by the Force of his own Genius; but seldom elevates and transports us where he does not fetch his Hints from Homer.

There are others of the Moderns who rival him in every other part of Poetry; but in the Greatness of his Sentiments he triumphs over all the Poets both Modern and Ancient, Homer only excepted.

Let the judicious Reader compare what Longinus has observed on several Passages in Homer, and he will find Parallels for most of them in the Paradise Lost.

I do not remember that Homer any where falls into the Faults above-mentioned, which were indeed the false Refinements of later Ages.

[Footnote 6: Longimus on the Sublime, I. § 9. of Discord, Homer says (Popes tr.): While scarce the skies her horrid head can bound, She stalks on earth.

If the Reader is offended at this Liberty in our English Poet, I would recommend him to a Discourse in Plutarch, which shews us how frequently Homer has made use of the same Liberty.

Homer and Virgil never let their hero throw a stone without reminding us that modern heroes only live in glass houses, to have stones thrown at them.

We know, moreover, precisely what Dr. Windship can lift, at any given date, and what the rest of us cannot; but Homer and Virgil never weighed the stones which their heroes threw, nor even the words in which they described the process.

The statements given by Homer, Aristotle, and Vitruvius represent six feet as a high standard for full-grown men; and the irrefutable evidence of the ancient doorways, bedsteads, and tombs proves the average size of the race to have certainly not diminished in modern days.

A copy, and a beautiful one, of the folio edition of Chapman's Homer had been lent me.

Well, then, we were put in possession of the Homer of Chapman, and to work we went, turning to some of the "famousest" passages, as we had scrappily known them in Pope's version.

" Chapman supplied us with many an after-feast; but it was in the teeming wonderment of this, his first introduction, that, when I came down to breakfast the next morning, I found upon my table a letter with no other inclosure than his famous sonnet, "On first looking into Chapman's Homer."

His favorite among Chapman's Hymns of Homer was the one to Pan, and which he himself rivalled in the "Endymion.

" A tyro interrogating a classical wag on the labours and sufferings of Homer, was shown the Iliad, and told that it was composed under great deprivation.

Pointing to the edition, he inquired, if that was all the Iliad; to which he received as answer, that that was not all the ill he had, as Homer was obliged to sing it, to procure a little bread.

And the best scholars have sometimes improperly imitated this construction in English; as, "Neither Virgil nor Homer were deficient in any of the former beauties.

"But he can discover no better foundation for any of them, than the practice merely of Homer and Virgil.

SEE Wheeler, Homer W. HARDY, THOMAS.

Carlt Homer came in.

2505 examples of  homered  in sentences