23 examples of honestie in sentences

But they were profitable to common life And did Men Honestie and Wisedome teach.

All his care was himselfe how to advaunce, 845 And to uphold his courtly countenaunce By all the cunning meanes he could devise; "Were it by honest wayes, or otherwise, He made small choyce: yet sure his honestie Got him small gaines, but shameles flatterie, 850 And filthie brocage, and unseemly shifts, [Brocage, pimping.]

All which Sir, though I most powerfully, and potently beleeue; yet I holde it not Honestie to haue it thus set downe: For you

Could Beautie my Lord, haue better Comerce then your Honestie?

[Sidenote: Then with honestie?]

I trulie: for the power of Beautie, will sooner transforme Honestie from what it is, to a Bawd, then the force of Honestie can translate Beautie into his likenesse.

I trulie: for the power of Beautie, will sooner transforme Honestie from what it is, to a Bawd, then the force of Honestie can translate Beautie into his likenesse.

I have liv'd ever free, onely depended Upon the honestie of my faire Actions, Nor am I now to studdy how to die soe.

I have liv'd ever free, onely depended Upon the honestie of my faire Actions, Nor am I now to studdy how to die soe.

I know two men, that seem two innocents, Whose lookes, surveied with iuditiall eyes, Would seeme to beare the markes of honestie;

Know I am named Fallerio to deceive The world with shew of truth and honestie, But yet nor truth, nor honestie abides Within my thoughts, but falshood, crueltie, Blood-sucking Avarice, and all the sinnes, That hale men on to bloodie stratagems, Like to your selves, which care not how you gaine, By blood, extorcion, falshood, periurie, So you may have a pleasing recompence:

Know I am named Fallerio to deceive The world with shew of truth and honestie, But yet nor truth, nor honestie abides Within my thoughts, but falshood, crueltie, Blood-sucking Avarice, and all the sinnes, That hale men on to bloodie stratagems, Like to your selves, which care not how you gaine, By blood, extorcion, falshood, periurie, So you may have a pleasing recompence:

Honestie's unseene; Shee's faire, and therefore fit to be a Queene.

Oh man, this hemming is the most hatefulst thing, theres not the most publique punck, nor worm-eaten bawd that can abide it, and honestie would run madde to heare it.

And foole, thy state in that sense is the best; thou art claspt with simplicitie, (a great badge of honestie,) for the poore foole has pawnd her cloathes to redeeme thy unthriftines; be jealious no more unlesse thou weare thine eares still, for all shall be well, and you shall have your puppie againe.

Would that would doe it: If I knew where she lay now, with what honestie, You having flung so main a mischief on her,

C omits] a Devil...mine honestie?

Though you have the will, And want of honestie to deny your Deed, Sir, Yet I hope Andrew has got so much learning From my young Master, as to keep his own; At the worst, Ile tell a short tale to the Judges, For what grave ends you sign'd your Lease, and on What termes you would revoke it.

You know your own disease: distrust, and jealousie, And those two, give these Lessons, not good meaning, What trial is there of my honestie, When I am mew'd at home?

A] for her honestie.

As I love God and honestie, I did: It was my meaning.

By which kinde of Iugling, a great number haue Iugled away, not only their money, but also their landes, their health, their time, and their honestie: I dare not (as I could) shew the lewde Iugling that cheaters practise, least it minister some offence, to the well disposed: to the simple hurt and losse, and to the wicked occasion of euill doing.

By this little you may plainely perceaue the foppery of the Church of Rome, who hould such toyes as authenticall, and also there knauery to make the people beleeue, lies for truth, and falshod for honestie, Bearing them in hand, as in this, so in all the rest, with blindenes, and ignorance but hereof ynoughe.

23 examples of  honestie  in sentences