6 examples of hoog in sentences

" "That was all you could have done in that stage of the work when I applied, and I do not wish to bestow the slightest censure on you or the trustees of your church, but I think, if when you were about to build had you advertised for competent master-builders in the South, that you could have gotten enough to have built the church without having employed Mr. Hoog the master-builder.

By Armand Hoog.

Armand Hoog (A); 21Jan75; R596028. R596029.

By Armand Hoog.

Armand Hoog (A); 21Jan75; R596028. R596029.

The Hoog-straat is filled until far into the night with a dense throng, the shops are open, because the servants make their purchases in the evening, and the cafés crowded.

6 examples of  hoog  in sentences