296 examples of horny in sentences

The delft does not feel the blow which would shiver the porcelain into atoms, and Reuben's epidermis is, I imagine, of such a horny consistency that he would walk in oblivious unconcern upon these elevations of needlework which are as a ploughshare to my sensitive nerves.

The bare, horny part of the fore-foot was just six inches long, and the two portions could be separated four inches at the extremities.

It has a bird's long slight neck, but a very small and not very bird-like head, with a long horny snout, furnished with teeth, something between a beak and a mouth.

I keep him in the green-house, and he is very happy catching flies and holding his horny head to be scratched whenever any one comes near.

When the nucleus has disappeared, they become mere horny plates, easily detached.

Slowly and cautiously the horny operculum is pushed out, turned back, and hidden beneath a thick fleshy mantle, which spreads over half the shell.

Dark-colored, horny, flat, oblong, each corner furnished with a wiry, thorn-like projection;what is it?

(c) The Sub-horny Quittor, in which the diseased process had invaded the deeper portions of the coronary cushion, and continued a downward course until the laminal tissue below the upper margin of the wall was involved, or any other case, no matter what the starting-point, in which pus existed within the horny box and was discharging itself by a fistulous opening.

(c) The Sub-horny Quittor, in which the diseased process had invaded the deeper portions of the coronary cushion, and continued a downward course until the laminal tissue below the upper margin of the wall was involved, or any other case, no matter what the starting-point, in which pus existed within the horny box and was discharging itself by a fistulous opening.

In our opinion, therefore, a lengthy classification serves no useful end, and we think matters will be simplified by considering quittor under two headings onlynamely, 'Simple or Cutaneous' and 'Sub-horny,' and discussing the other varieties as simply complications of either of these two.

We may thus expect sub-horny quittor to follow upon treads, overreach, accidental injuries with the stable-fork, and kicks from other animals.

Even when an opening has already occurred on the coronet, the same condition of sub-horny suppuration may be met with in cases when the opening of the fistula has by some means or other become occluded.

It may occur as a sequel either of cutaneous or of sub-horny quittor, and may result either from actual wounding and infection of the cartilage, or from an attack on it of septic matter originating elsewhere.

The various treatments adopted for the cure of sub-horny quittor offer the veterinary surgeon a large number to select from.

We have also seen the actual cautery used in sub-horny quittor, where that disease has reached a chronic fistulous stage, as a means of cauterizing the whole length of the lining of each fistulous passage.

This method of treatment is particularly applicable to cases of chronic sub-horny quittor in the more posterior parts of the foot.

This is employed in the treatment of sub-horny quittor, either in the solid form (in sticks, in lumps, or in the powder), or in the liquid form, when it is injected with a quittor syringe.

This we may term the radical operation for sub-horny quittor, for it is often productive of a successful issue when all other means have failed.

The horny wall is stripped off over the seat of operation.

They thus occur as a sequel to sub-horny quittor, to suppurating corn, to complicated quarter sand-crack, or to the inflammation of the parts occasioned by a prick.

Whilst we others perspire freely and our skin remains pink and soft his gets horny and scaly.

The furniture had been greatly disorderedperhaps by some inquisitive ratbut a coat upon a clothes-peg on the door, a razor and some dirty scraps of paper, and a piece of soap that had hardened through years of disuse into a horny cube, were redolent of Skinner's distinctive personality.

They were grazing with bucolic tranquillity on the maritime pasture lands, contemplated from afar by the mussels, the oysters, and other bi-valves, attached to the rocks by a hard and horny hank of silk that enwrapped their enclosures.

Gigantic trusts had "cornered" all the necessaries of life, and a few lily-fingered plutocrats in their marble palaces dictated to the horny-handed sons of toil the amount of their beggarly wages, and

Her joy at seeing her present owner was unbounded, and she kept clapping her horny hands together and exclaiming, 'while there is life there is hope; we seen massa before we die.'

296 examples of  horny  in sentences