5980 examples of horrors in sentences

He acquired his English in the United States of America, whither he went when he escaped from the horrors of St Domingo.

In dewy Damps my Limbs were child; My Blood with gentle Horrors thrill'd; My feeble Pulse forgot to play; I fainted, sunk, and dy'd away.

But in Burns' time people were not haunted by the horrors of trichinae, measly affections, &c., &c. (one must not be too brutally plain spoken, even in what they are avoiding), as we are now, so perhaps this practical age may risk the shade rather than the substance.

I was powerfully affected when I saw the corpse of one, whom I had so lately marked as blooming with youth and health; but my eyes soon became accustomed to horrors.

Sickened with the immense heaps of slain, which spread in all directions as far as the eye could reach, I was preparing to return, when as I was striding over the dead and dying, and meditating on the horrors of war, my attention was attracted by a young Frenchman, who was lying on his back, apparently at the last gasp.

Mr. President, my honorable friend spoke of the French revolution and the horrors in which the women of Paris took part, and from that he would argue that American wives and mothers and sisters are not fit for the calm and temperate management of our American republican life.

By special favour of the authorities, Reuben was to be allowed to make his journey to Holloway in a cab, thus escaping the horrors of the filthy and verminous prison van, and while this was being procured, his friends were permitted to wish him farewell.

Most of them are regular customers at the prisonsuch is the idiotic state of the lawwho come into the reception-room like travellers entering a familiar hostelry, address the prison officers by name and demand the usual privileges and extra comfortsthe 'drunks,' for instance, generally ask for a dose of bromide to steady their nerves and a light in the cell to keep away the horrors.

The horrors of slave life, which he had so long endured, arose in all their hideous deformity in his mind, hence the conflict of feeling which I had observed,and hence the change in his whole appearance, when he had resolved to endure a momentary pain, and escape a life-long scene of unrequited toil and degradation.

No horrors now at that clatter of broken glass; no sick qualms; my pulse steady; my head high; my step royal; my eye cold and calm.

There were places in that city!secrets, vastnesses, horrors!

To you the question may be nothing more than a gambling excitement as to the final outcome of your aërial squabble: but to the poor men who had to bear the wrongs, Inquisitions, rack-rents, Waterloos, unspeakable horrors, it was hard earnest, you know!

The tragedies of their house of bondage were the realities of yesterday, and peopled their memories with thronging horrors.

The buying and selling, the transportation, and the horrors of the middle passage, were mere incidents of the slavery in which the victims were held.

The testimony thus far adduced is only that of the slaveholder and wrong-doer himself: the admission of men who have a direct interest in keeping out of sight the horrors of their system.

The Inquisitors of Goa and Madrid never disclosed the peculiar atrocities of their "hall of horrors."

" "In this remote, and hoarse resounding place, Which billows clash, and craggy cliffs embrace, These babbling springs amid such horrors rise, But armed with virtue, horrors we despise.

" "In this remote, and hoarse resounding place, Which billows clash, and craggy cliffs embrace, These babbling springs amid such horrors rise, But armed with virtue, horrors we despise.

If you can not trust man with himself, will you put his fellows under his control?and flee from the inconveniences incident to self-government, to the horrors of despotism?

Are those men honored, who are rudely excluded from a place in the human family, and shut up to the deep degradation and nameless horrors of chattelship?

Some Recorder or Justice, without the light of inquiry or the aid of a jury, consigns the negro whom the kidnapper has dragged into his presence to the horrors of slavery.

I had seen enough of the horrors of suppression of Christian discontent by the Mussulmans of Crete, but the brutality of the Slavonic Islam in time of peace was other and bitterer than the Cretan, and the miserable remnant of escaped rayahs of Herzegovina was the very ragged fringe of humanity.

And lo! extended on the 'bier, The form of the departed year Closely wrapt, in snowy shroud, Hastening to join the sable crowd Of yearsthat passed before the flood, And left their pathway stained with blood; For oh, what horrors must appear, Written on each departed year?

She foresaw the horrors of pecuniary embarrassment.

"I don't want to tell of the horrors of that winter.

5980 examples of  horrors  in sentences