34 examples of horsewomen in sentences

She rode a fine sorrel, with the easy seat of a skilled horsewoman.

Its flight was shorter and dropped almost under the nose of Elspeth's horse, which swerved violently, and would have unseated a less skilled horsewoman.

She was an excellent horsewoman, and rode in a fashionable .

She sat in front with Uncle Charley, and he let her drive part of the way, for it was Patty's great delight to drive two horses, and she had already become a fairly accomplished little horsewoman.

Wait till you decide to take lessons before buying either, first to avoid unnecessary expense, and second, because until experience shall show what kind of a horsewoman you are likely to be, you cannot tell which will be the more suitable and comfortable.

This movement is found in Mason's School Gymnastics, and is prescribed by M. de Bussigny in his little manual for horsewomen, and it will prove admirable in its effects.

It is almost entirely nervousness, and will disappear as soon as you are quite comfortable and easy, but the beautiful flexibility of the good horsewoman comes only to her whose muscles are perfectly trained, and it is surprising how few muscles there are to which one may not give employment in an hour's practice in the ring.

"M. de Bussigny, in his little 'Handbook for Horsewomen,' gives the preference to crossing the reins, the curb coming outside the little finger and between the ring and middle finger, and the snaffle between the little and ring fingers and the middle finger and forefinger.

She was a good horsewoman and showed to advantage on horseback, when her slight figure took a grace of movement which made amends for her face.

Marie Antoinette becomes a Horsewoman.

Her mother had been a great horsewoman; and, as the dauphin, like the king, was passionately addicted to hunting, which hitherto she had only witnessed from a carriage, Marie Antoinette not unnaturally desired to be mistress of an accomplishment which would enable her to give him more of her companionship.

Marie Antoinette becomes a Horsewoman.

XXII "LUCK, JACK, LUCK!" Apprehensively he watched the end of the ribbon running under P.D.'s hoofs for the sight of a horsewoman breaking free of the foothills.

Betty here is a horsewoman, but, alas!

Domini was a magnificent horsewoman.

Mary, a born horsewoman, did the driving herself, thus relieving them of the impediment to real companionship which a hired driver would have been.

A victory for the chestnut would be a coup for her pocketbook when it came to buying the Coles horses, but it would be a distinct blow to her pride as a horsewoman.

A good horsewoman when in Maine, in Wyoming she acquired a skill which compelled the admiration of the cowmen themselves.

Untitled drawing depicting Horsewoman.

Untitled drawing depicting Horsewoman.

Horsemen and horsewomen, late comers hastening up, restless horses, a throng for ever in motion, and every now and then the blast of a horn rising up from the trees beneath.

Being a skilful horsewoman, she came on horseback, accompanied by a little band of feminine charmers destined to wheedle political secrets from friends and enemies alikea real "flying squadron of the queen," as it was called by a contemporary.

The horsewoman saw him step into the middle of the road, smiling oddly, but deferentially; her slim figure straightened, her color rose, and there was ayes, there was a relieved gleam in her eyes.

She was a famous horsewoman, and keenly alive to the enchantment of the race-field.

She was an accomplished horsewoman, and had no difficulty in accommodating herself to the rough country saddle.

34 examples of  horsewomen  in sentences