33 examples of hot-tempered in sentences

Now Farley was rather hot-tempered, though he was "all there" in points that involved the honor of the brigade of midshipmen.

The hot-tempered fellow answered this remark with a blow.

Her sister adds, "Mary was from her earliest years ardent and impulsive, hot-tempered and generous.

He got bitten by hot-tempered reptiles.

and down into the pillow again went the fuzzy yellow head of this little hot-tempered Ally Fleming, who called herself so pityingly "a poor little beggar of an orphan.

You have just seen what a hot-tempered scatterbrain I am.

Not that I'm furious, I'm hot-tempered.

There's nothing bad in a man's being hot-tempered.

The sister's lamentations in the midst of his own victory, and of such great public rejoicings, raised the ire of the hot-tempered youth.

In extenuation it must be remembered that he admits that he was inclined to be hot-tempered, though it did not last; he had been constantly irritated by repeated losses, and he was at the time really seriously ill, and also when all was over he sincerely regretted he had taken such strong measures.

Adherbal was weak and pusillanimous, Hiempsal hot-tempered and rash.

There was no sign of hot-tempered impetuous work of a handful of drunken Uhlans, a fire started in anger and driven by the wind throughout the entire town.

Karr knew them: They were Crooked-Back, who was a small elk, but had a larger hump than the others; Antler-Crown, who was the most dignified of the elk; Rough-Mane, with the thick coat; and an old long-legged one, who, up till the autumn before, when he got a bullet in his thigh, had been terribly hot-tempered and quarrelsome.

"I've known her and loved her ever since she was a hot-tempered, imperious little girlwhich is all she is now.

A bent old man, with hair like driven snow, splendidly handsome in his old age, hot-tempered to passion at the lightest provocation, loving and wrath in quick succession.

He was really hot-tempered and on a few well-authenticated occasions fell into passions in which he used language that would have blistered the steel sides of a dreadnaught.

I, accustomed to freedom, indifferent to home details, impulsive, very hot-tempered, and proud as Lucifer.

"He is hot-tempered, that vaquero," he said regretfully, his mind upon Manuel.

"I am assured that in the trouble which brought him to my house he played the part of an honest gentleman fighting to uphold the principles which all honest men espouse; and while he is hot-tempered at times, and perhaps more thoughtless than we could wish, I hear no ill of him save the natural follies of high-stomached youth.

" He grew gradually calmer and began: "Since my childhood I have been hot-tempered and violent.

It was partly his fault, for having been too hard upon her, and too hasty and hot-tempered.

Billy was almighty faithful but hot-tempered' "'Think of it!'

Very little is really known of his wife, beyond the facts that she was petite, over-fond, hot-tempered, obstinate, and a poor speller.

The country, though long a bone of contention between England and Russia, is now wholly under the sphere of British influence. AF`GHANS, THE, a fine and noble but hot-tempered race of the Mohammedan faith inhabiting Afghanistan.

The Guy of old days, impetuous, hot-tempered even, had never been that.

33 examples of  hot-tempered  in sentences