21 examples of hou in sentences

Ant shild us from helle; For y not whider y shal, ne hou longe her duelle.

They had all helped in the building of a wooden cowherd's hut on the height of the mountain, a few hou

The only other situation in all China which accords with the two canals, or rivers, communicating both with Kathay and Mangi, is Yotcheou on the Tong-ting-hou lake, which is on the Kian-ku river, and at a sufficient distance from the Hoang-ho to agree with the text.

Ofte I sike ant mourne sare When hit cometh in my thoht Of this worldes joie, hou hit goth al to noht.

But these things, taken together, did no doubt prepare me to look upon it as a happy coincidence when, one morning, I heard the familiar cry of the red-headed woodpecker, for the first time in Florida, and looked up to see him flying the national colors from the ridgepole of the State Hou

Then, in a kindly, hospitable fashion, she placed her other arm in that of Hardy, and they walked in grave silence to the hou

At the end of each period there was a general "hou! hou!" of assentequivalent to the "hear!

At the end of each period there was a general "hou! hou!" of assentequivalent to the "hear!

Under all, conspicuous for their size, are the characters "Pou-Hou," (no cheating here.)

Another family belonging to this group was the Hsia-hou family which was closely united to the family of Wen Ti by adoption; and very soon there was also the Ss[)u]-ma family.

Thus we find many members of the Hsia-hou and Ss[)u]-ma families in government positions.

One of these leaders, Hou Ching, who had become powerful as a military leader in the north, tried in 547 to conclude a private alliance with the Liang to strengthen his own position.

At the same time the ruler of the northern state of the "Northern Ch'i", then in process of formation, himself wanted to negotiate an alliance with the Liang, in order to be able to get rid of Hou Ching.

Hou Ching, who had been getting into difficulties, now negotiated with a dissatisfied prince in Liang, invaded the country in 548 with the prince's aid, captured the capital in 549, and killed Emperor Wu.

Hou Ching now staged the usual spectacle: he put a puppet on the imperial throne, deposed him eighteen months later and made himself emperor.

He is also responsible for the re-introduction of Lamaism into Mongolia (1574).For the border trade I used Hou Jen-chih; for the Shansi bankers Ch'en Ch'i-t'ien and P. Maybon.


SEE Hou, Te-Pang. REMY, MRS.


SEE Hou, Te-Pang. REMY, MRS.

In the early days of the N.M.S., its missionaries were all men, assisted perhaps by their wives, who with hou

21 examples of  hou  in sentences