113 examples of houres in sentences

"The houres wherein the principal devills may be raised.

It will not passe away, but stay the time; Wracke out the houres in length.

The fresh yong flie, in whom the kindly fire Of lustfull yongth* began to kindle fast, Did much disdaine to subiect his desire 35 To loathsome sloth, or houres in ease to wast; But ioy'd to range abroad in fresh attire Through the wide compas of the ayrie coast, And with unwearied wings each part t'inquire Of the wide rule of his renownned sire.

You know sometimes He walkes foure houres together, heere In the Lobby.

In thee, there is not halfe an houre of life; [Sidenote: houres life,]

Those few sententious fragments shew more worth, Then all the Poets Athens ere brought forth; And I am sorry we have lost those houres On them, whose quicknesse comes far short of ours, And dwell not more on thee, whose every Page May be a patterne for their Scene and Stage.

Shakespear was early up, and went so drest As for those dawning houres he knew was best; But when the Sun shone forth, You Two thought fit To weare just Robes, and leave off Trunk-hose-Wit.

and the 25 by reason of the winde blowing hard and contrary, we were not able to enter the straits of Gibraltar, but were put to the coast of Barbarie, where we ankered in the maine sea 2. leagues from shore, and continued so vntill two houres before sunne set, and then we weighed againe, and turned our course towards the Straits, where we entered the 26 day aforesayd, the winde being calme, but the current of the straites very fauourable.

They say they have alwayes fiue or sixe hundred horsemen readie at an houres warning.

The 29 about two houres before day we alighted at Famagusta, and after we were refreshed we went to see the towne.

About 2. houres before night, we had sight of the Islands of Zante and Cephalonia, which are from Modon one hundreth miles.

day we were before the hils of Antiueri, and about sunne set wee passed Ragusa, and three houres within night we ankered within Meleda, hauing Sclauonia or Dalmatia on the right hand of vs, and the winde Southwest.

The 28 in the morning we were in the Gulfe of Quernero, and about two houres after noone we were before the cape of Istria, and at sunne set we were at anker afore Rouignio which is also in Istria and vnder the Venetians, where all ships Venetian and others are bound by order from Venice to take in their pilots to goe for Venice.

The second two houres before day, with the winde at Southeast, we sayled towards Venice, where we arriued (God be praysed) at two of the clocke after dinner, and landed about foure, we were kept so long from landing, because we durst not land vntill we had presented to the Prouidor de la Sanita, our letter of health.

A] this two houres.

Noble I call him for his virtuous minde There was a league of love so strongly made That time wants houres, and occasion cause, To violate the contract of our hearts.

Sir, be credible, tis ballanst to be superlative politicke custome in these houres to dwell in shallowe accoutrements, as a defence for the abilitie of his pursse from the infringed Oath of some impudent face, that will borrowe a gentlemans revenewes if he be vestally adornd:

They are good subjects for idle houres:but soft, what second course is entring heere?

Ile take order for his winding sheete, And further, to furnish it with further suertie, Ile have a potion that for twentie houres Shall quench the motion of his breath.

But come we waste time, tis now about the mid of day; we must sowe arithmatike by the houres, that at the morrowes highth Philautus awake again, at which time he shall be on his Hearse, and all the Guestes of the Hobbye invited to accompany his ghost, when being awake, himselfe and all shall see if drunkenesse be not mad misterie.

I have indurde a thousand jarring houres Since first he did mistrust my fancies aime, And will indure a thousand thousand more If life or discord either live so long.

The buriale ended, the women being painted all their faces with blacke cole and oyle doe sit twenty-foure houres in the houses mourning and lamenting by turnes with such yelling and howling as may expresse their great passions.

Not finding camels here, we were constrained to vnlade our goods, and hired an hundred asses to cary our marchandises onely to New Babylon ouera short desert, in crossing whereof we spent eighteene houres trauelling by night, and part of the morning, to auoid the great heat.

D] these two houres.

He make these witherd Kexes beare my bodie Two houres together above ground.

113 examples of  houres  in sentences