148 examples of housework in sentences

" "I don't say nothing how her mother treats Vetsburg, her oldest boarder, and for what he pays for that second floor front and no lunches she can afford to cater a little; but that such a girl shouldn't be made to take up a little stenography or help with the housework!

Aunt Mavity can have some help in the housethere's always a girl or two breaking down in the mills, who would be glad to have a chance at housework for a while.

They can't go out to do housework, for they've got young ones too little to carry with 'em, and maybe a whole family of 'em.

Miss Laura played all she could with him, but she had to help her mother with the sewing and the housework, and do lessons with her father, for she was only seventeen years old, and had not left off studying.

Up to now, the unpacking and distribution of the furniture, with the daily housework and cooking, had been all that Mrs. Carey and the girls could manage.

She "lugged" butter and milk regularly to the Careys (lugging is her own word for the act), and helped them in many ways, for she was fairly good at any kind of housework not demanding brains.

Didn't you say the other day that you seemed to be wasting your life here, making beds and doing housework?"

He came up from his bed looking just like that very clever Missing Link that was at Barnum's, do you remember?the one that sometimes was an Irishwoman, and could do housework in a cage by itself.

He had helped about the housework, washed the dishes, swept the floors, taken care of the lawn and the stable for three or four years, while he attended school.

She had done all her housework.

And she went back to her home, and she did her housework, and then she bathed all her little daughters and all her little daughters-in-law.

The poorly paid employment of office-cleaning is sadly popular among widows and deserted wives, because, being followed during the evening, and sometimes night hours, it leaves a mother free during the day to attend to her cooking and housework and sewing, and be on the spot to give the children their meals.

" "And you do the housework?' "There ain't no one else to do it." "And the sewing?" "Yes, ma'am.

There is scarcely any division of housework which does not call for resource and alertness.

Fresh from school the week before, she cheerfully undertook to do the housework and cooking, and to act as nursemaid in her spare time.

When they can leave the housework, they have not learnt to ride, to drive, to row, alone.

The old folks gave mama to them to do their housework.

As the song says, 'I am waiting on the promises of God.' "My mama did housework in slave time.

In all the housework involved in this complication of her duties, she never had a servant until shortly before my birth, when she took into the house a liberated African slave, the only other assistance in the house, in my childhood, being a sister six years older than myself and the daughter of one of our neighbors, who came as a "help" at the time of my birth, and subsequently married my second brother.

Between company and housework and sewing I have my hands about full, and precious little time for reading and study.

"She can now walk for miles as fast as I wish to, without feeling very much fatigue, does all her own housework, and attends seven meetings during the week.

"I farmed a long time and then I done housework.

You see, when Emma has had her two hours free daily, her hour-and-a-half off for dinner, with half-an-hour for other meals, every evening out as well as two afternoons a week, you would be surprised what little leisure is left to her for the housework.

I know you do ever so much of the housework because she is not fond of it; and if she has a headache you sit with her all day; and you beg her to play and sing to you, though you really dislike music.

But this time he prepared to go without making any complaint, and had his mother not been so preoccupied thinking of her housework, she might have suspected that the lad had some mischief afootsome scheme that he wanted to carry out, and which going to the store would further.

148 examples of  housework  in sentences