94862 examples of housing in sentences

They only take their anger, as it were, upon an outing, lest with too close housing it grow pallid and shrink in girth.

You know what came out in the paper about making a new will ifif you ever got pulled in again for rough-housing?" "Don't you worry that nifty head of yours about my old man ever making a new will.

This rapid drawing of men to new centers creates a housing problem so huge that it must he met by the government; and it need hardly be pointed out, shelter can be built only by human hands.

The war has forced Great Britain to carry out the findings of this committee and to consider more seriously than ever before, and for both men and women, the problem of industrial fatigue, the relation of accidents to hours of labor, industrial diseases, housing, transit, and industrial canteens.

It is managing a whole gigantic industry with employes running into millions, half a million of them women, and managing it under wholly new conditions of humanity and forethought; it is housing and feeding and caring for innumerable thousands; transforming from day to day, as by a kind of by-work, the industrial mind and training of multitudes, and laying the foundations of a new, and surely happier England, after the War.

On our left an encampment of Nissen hutsso called from their inventor, a Canadian officerthose new and ingenious devices for housing troops, or labour battalions, or coloured workers, at an astonishing saving both of time and material.

On the lee side of Hill 123, sheltered from Austrian fire, was a whole village of wooden huts, admirably constructed, capable of housing several Battalions.

The churches of Delafield believe that all matters of social concernwork, wages, housing, health, amusement, and moralsare part of every church's business.

Such needs are housing, public parks, roads, etc.

About a fifth of this amount it was intended to expend on housing.

Abode N. abode, dwelling, lodging, domicile, residence, apartment, place, digs, pad, address, habitation, where one's lot is cast, local habitation, berth, diggings, seat, lap, sojourn, housing, quarters, headquarters, resiance^, tabernacle, throne, ark.

coverlet, counterpane, sheet, quilt, tarpaulin, blanket, rug, drugget^; housing; antimacassar, eiderdown, numdah^, pillowcase, pillowslip^; linoleum; saddle cloth, blanket cloth; tidy; tilpah

In these the priest, perhaps the only white man for miles around, is with difficulty persuaded to miss the opportunity of housing such a rare guest, to whom he is only too anxious to give up the best bedroom in his dwelling, and to offer everything that his kitchen and cellar can afford.

The municipality have taken in hand some important housing schemes which may be advantageous to the working classes, and result in the erection of some of those new artisans' dwellings which, so far, have not been conspicuously numerous.

In 1098 a bureau for housing and care was created which created homes for the old and destitute; 1102 a bureau for medical care sent state doctors to homes and hospitals as well as to private homes to care for poor patients; from 1104 a bureau of burials took charge of the costs of burials of poor persons.

He was a fussy, quick-tempered, withal kind-hearted little fellow, and kept dashing in and out of the room, really perplexed over housing accommodations for the night.

Early in September the cutting and housing of tobacco began, and continued at intervals in good weather until the middle of October.

Two days in December were devoted to the housing of ice; and Christmas week, as well as Easter Monday and a day or two in summer and fall, brought leisure.

The housing and clothing appear to have been adequate.

in the possession of Mrs. J.F. Minis, Savannah, Ga.] As for housing, the vestiges of the old slave quarters, some of which have stood abandoned for half a century, denote in many cases a sounder construction and greater comfort than most of the negroes in freedom have since been able to command.

For housing construction, England needs 2,000,000,000 feet a year more than normally; France, 1,500,000,000 feet; Italy, 1,750,000,000 feet; Belgium and Spain 750,000,000 feet apiece.

Felicia M. Baillieu & Penn M. Doane (C); 13Aug63; R320606. MORROW, KATHERINE. Slums and housing, with special reference to New York City.

Let the most astute or utilitarian of social economists try the experiment of housing, feeding and clothing himself, wife and six children too young to earn anything, on ten or twelve shillings a week; and he will learn something that his philosophy never dreamed of.

Draining period for Draught animals on farm number and choice of Dry farming Ducks, housing, care of, etc.

"I want land reform," he wound up, "I want housing reform, I want educational reform, I want" And said a bored voice in the audience: "Chloroform."

94862 examples of  housing  in sentences