11 examples of howre in sentences

howre 315 From golden Oeta gan proceede withall; Whenas the shepheard after this sharpe stowre**, Seing the doubled shadowes low to fall, Gathering his straying flocke, does homeward fare, And unto rest his wearie ioynts prepare.

One ioyous howre in blisfull happines, I chose before a life of wretchednes.

and howre unfortunate!)

For lusty Spring now in his timely howre Is ready to come forth, him to receive; And warns the Earth with divers colord flowre

What plague sore have ye spide, what taynt in honour, What ill howre in my life so cleere deserving That rancks in this below your fellowships?

What plague sore have ye spide, what taynt in honour, What ill howre in my life so cleere deserving That rancks in this below your fellowships?

Yf I needes must fall And that the fatall howre is cast of Barnavelt, Just like a strong demolishd Tower ile totter

One blow, one short peece of an howre dos this, And this cures all; maintaines no more phisitians, Restores our memories, and there's the great cure, Where, if we stay the fatall Sword of Justice, It moawes the man downe first, and next his fashion, His living name, his creadit.

And all his life and Actions so detracted, That he, as I am certenly informed, Lookes every howre for worsse.

we might have tickled the vanity ant an howre longer, if my watch be trustible.

for half an howre I. p. 350, l. 11.

11 examples of  howre  in sentences