158 examples of hummock in sentences

It was spitting snow, but he had no difficulty in seeing where the trail led from hummock to hummock in the miry earth.

It was spitting snow, but he had no difficulty in seeing where the trail led from hummock to hummock in the miry earth.

Steering north-west, after toiling nearly thirty miles across this fearful waste of dry mud, we at length reached a small patch of grass on a sandy hummock, but only just in time to save the horses, as many could scarcely keep on their legs, and we had to remove their loads to those which were less exhausted.

gasped the girl, who was seated on a tufted hummock of grass at the side of the road.

Baptiste was no sooner heard to snore, than the whole hummock of cargo was garnished with upright bodies and stretching arms and legs, as mice are known to steal from their holes during the slumbers of their mortal enemy, the cat.

If one of these 'ere hills was set out in our fields to home, you'd think it was something more than a hummock, I guess.

I do beg your pardon,I had no business,but I so like chess,when it's any sort of a game!" While he spoke, he was looking about the base of the rock, and by good fortune spied and pounced upon the bit of bright-colored ivory, which had rolled and rested itself against a hummock of sod.

The next morning we resumed our course to the northward and passed inside of Hummock Island and between Keppel's great Island and the First Lump.

Motu Uta is about as large as a city building lot, and the coral hummock shelves sharply to a considerable depth.

Even when sea water freezes it squeezes out the great bulk of its salt as a solid, but the sea water gets into it by soaking again, and yet when held out of the water, as it is in a hummock, the salt all drains out and the melted ice is blue and quite good for drinking, engines, &c.

" "Wot a jolly game football is, ain't it?" said Davie seating himself on a hummock, and still panting hard.

"Hai!" shouted the band of Esquimaux, pointing to a hummock of ice a few hundred yards in advance of the spot on which they stood.

Awatok led the party stealthily towards a hummock, behind which he caused them to crouch until the walrus should dive.

This it did in a few minutes, and then they all rushed from their place of concealment towards another hummock that lay about fifty yards from, the hole.

At the same moment Davie Summers mounted to the top of a hummock, part of which overhung the pool, and launched a harpoon down upon its back.

To compel him to try through fear of being abandoned, I started off as if leaving him to his fate, and disappeared back of a hummock; but this did no good; he only lay down and moaned in utter hopeless misery.

On going to the masthead I saw them distinctly for they were not more than four miles off, and on looking round the horizon towards the westward, distinctly saw the island of Frederick Houtman's Abrolhos, which for some time the masthead man persisted was only the shadow of the clouds; but a small hummock being soon afterwards descried upon the summit of the largest, confirmed my conjectures.

The run to Topsail Island was made in record time, and as they drew near the little hummock of tree and shrub-covered land the boys could perceive that something unusual had happened.

Three Hummock Island. Rats.

The line of high-water at the full and change is 11 hours 40 minutes, when the rise is 9 feet.) HUMMOCK ISLAND.

I was also anxious to obtain a distant seaward view of Hummock Island,* which affords the best shelter for ships in westerly winds.

The anchorage lies abreast of the middle Hummock, where the depth is six fathoms, and may be approached by passing round either the north or south end of the island.

The outline of Hummock Island is so remarkable that it cannot fail of being recognised.

Billy, dodging the red morsel of meat, sat down on a grassy hummock.

wearily and hunched farther along on the hummock.

158 examples of  hummock  in sentences