25 examples of hund in sentences

As Goethe says, man or dog, it is a miserable wretch: Denn ein erbärmlicher Schuft, so wie der Mensch, ist der hund.

In mid-winter about four years since, says Miss Martineau, in her Norway and the Norwegians, a young man named Hund, was sent by his master on an errand about twenty miles, to carry provisions to a village in the upper country.

The third he took within his arms and on his knee, as he drove, clasping it warm against his breastso those say who saw them set off, and it is confirmed by one who met the sledge on the road, and heard the children prattling to Hund, and Hund laughing merrily at their little talk.

The third he took within his arms and on his knee, as he drove, clasping it warm against his breastso those say who saw them set off, and it is confirmed by one who met the sledge on the road, and heard the children prattling to Hund, and Hund laughing merrily at their little talk.

Hund saw one about to spring at his throat.

Hund in desperation, snatched up one of the children behind him, and threw it over the back of the sledge.

It was easier to throw over the second child than the firstand Hund did it.

It was harder to give up the thirdthe dumb infant that nestled in his breast, but Hund was in mortal terror.

Away over the snow flew the sledge, the village was reached, and Hund just escaped after all the sacrifice he had made.

" "Five hund" Priam snatched the notes from his pocket, and with a gesture pardonably dramatic he bade her count them.

16 drams 1 ounce 16 ounces 1 pound 28 pounds 1 quarter 4 quarters 1 hund.

" "To go to-night,for see the clouds!Not a postilion will dare to leave Coblentz, under that quick-coming allgemein und ungeheuer henker-hund-und-teufel's-gewitter.

'Schweine Hund!

Redigiert in Gemeinschaft mit F. Hund, von Ferdinand Trendelenburg.



Friedrich Hund (A); 4Mar68; R430991.

Redigiert in Gemeinschaft mit F. Hund, von Ferdinand Trendelenburg.



Friedrich Hund (A); 4Mar68; R430991.

Be it observed also that the hard fighting, hard drinking, boastful hero of Nieblung fame used a "spur hund," just as his representative of Kentucky or Tennessee used a track hound a thousand years later.

" "Two hund" began Mr. Gribble, forgetting himself.

At this point he digressed a moment: "You know my cousin, Honoré Grandissime, w'at give two hund' fifty dolla' to de 'ospill laz mont'?

Thou hadst nothing kindly in thee, thou vain fop!] Da druben, da druben liegt der Feind, In feigen Schutzengraben, Wir greifen ihn an, und ein Hund, wer meint, Heut' wurde Pardon gegeben.

25 examples of  hund  in sentences