74 examples of hundredfold in sentences

At this time the capacity of the Latron-Jerusalem road was taxed to the utmost, and every bit of the Welshmen's spadework was repaid a hundredfold.

Indeed, by one curious fact alone it was increased a hundredfold.

There is no attempt at arboriculturefigs or vines or olivesbut it is such superb corn-land that the average yield is two-hundredfold, and three-hundredfold in the best years.

There is no attempt at arboriculturefigs or vines or olivesbut it is such superb corn-land that the average yield is two-hundredfold, and three-hundredfold in the best years.

Only a small portion of the valley was under cultivation, for the oldest settler had been in only for three years; but it seemed as if every grain sowed had fallen upon good soil and gave promise of the hundredfold.

He longed to live, to have a hundredfold his strength and fury, to be gifted with a genius for time and place and bloody deed, to have the war-gods set him a thousand opportunities, to beat with iron mace and cut with sharp bayonet and rend with hard handto kill and kill and kill the hideous thing that was German.

In acknowledging to Martha Yeardley one of these remittances, M.A.C. writes thus: May our Heavenly Father render thee a hundredfold what thy charity has prompted thee to do for my numerous family of children; and may his blessing rest on all those who have contributed to it.

Trailing the filly, the Ramblin' Kid forced her back toward the Cimarron, into its raging flood, multiplied a hundredfold by the torrential rain of the night; side by side

Being, in spite of his superior knowledge, a mortal man, he will take twice the pains with her, and a hundredfold more pride in her if persuaded that she owes everything to him.

The sense of gravity increased a hundredfold.

Amongst these classes homicide is a hundredfold rarer than amongst thoseand they amount, perhaps, in all, to hardly one in a thousand,who pay homage to the principle: and even blows are of no very frequent occurrence.

" "They are," returned Leonard; "and you have repaid me a hundredfold for the slight service I have rendered you by the information.

She looked forward to those few hours spent with him as the only time when she was fully alive, dreamed them over afterward, knew they meant a hundredfold more to her than those she spent with any other man or woman.

screamed a thousand voices as the competitors safely cleared the last bank (now taken away for a gorse fence) the last time round, and from that moment the operation went up in my estimation a hundredfold, and I almost lost all interest in the finish (and it was a close one, with my patient a good third), resolving I would operate for the future on every animal, young and old, which showed symptoms of navicular disease.

So, in like manner, our advantages may be slighthardly perceptible to any but ourselveslet us turn them to account, and the results will be a hundredfold; we have only to adopt the Black Prince's bold and cheering words, when first he saw his enemies, "God is my help.

"It seems to me we forgot one phase of the business," remarked Hawkridge, "and that is the fact that the chances of failure are a hundredfold greater than those of success.

A few there may have been, here and there, whose prayers rose from their hearts, and who were there of their own free will; but the policy of Louis had changed his noblemen into courtiers and his men of the world into hypocrites, until the whole court was like one gigantic mirror which reflected his own likeness a hundredfold.

My Muse shall have instructions to requite you Even an hundredfold.

Give my blessing to your father, and tell him that our good Master will reward him a hundredfold for all he has lost for the sake of his faith.

The viduschaka counsels hope, and the king grants that even the tortures of love have their advantage; for, as the force of the torrent is increased a hundredfold if a rock is interposed, so is the power of love if obstacles retard the blissful union.

They do not quite refuse, nor quite resign their hearts, and so they are kept, not only without true peace, but without the enjoyment of those earthly goods which have been called for, not to deprive their owners of them, but to be restored in this life "an hundredfold."

I believe that this shrinking from expressions which seem unnatural, is rightly intensified a hundredfold when the sense of wrongness or "unnaturalness" is due not to the individual but to the relationship itself.

But in an organ intended to lead public opinion towards certain changes, or to hold it steadfast against wayward gusts of passion, its strength would be increased a hundredfold if all the writers in it were inspired by that thorough unity of conviction which comes from sincerely accepting a common set of principles to start from, and reaching practical conclusions by the same route.

s book has a purpose: it is sent forth as precious seed, with the prayer that it will fall into "good soil" in many hearts and bring forth an hundredfold.


74 examples of  hundredfold  in sentences