22148 examples of husband in sentences

My Scottish husband; making cheerful fun of one of Scotland's best.

The general impression of the villagers was that Lady Annabel was a widow; and yet there were some speculators who would shrewdly remark, that her ladyship had never worn weeds, although her husband could not have been long dead when she first arrived at Cherbury.

He was a bad manager, and, worse, a bad husband.

At length she said, 'Mamma, is not a widow a wife that has lost her husband?' 'You are right, my dear,' said Lady Annabel, rather gravely.

'Then if I have no papa, mamma must be a wife that has lost her husband, and that, mamma told me at dinner yesterday, was a widow.' 'Was the like ever seen!' exclaimed Mistress Pauncefort. '

The enemy called out to the Senator that he meant to "do for him this time," and as Hearts-ease rushed up to her husband with no fear for herself, holding out the gun, the brute fired and shot her through the heart, and she fell forward with Lola, dead in the Senator's arms.

Tom, of course, being an English husband, was sure nothing had happened; and when we got there we found him having a cocktail and smoking a cigar calmly in the hotel.

Octavia and I said we simply longed to see him, and Nelson, who had been talking to Lola (I have not said much of Lola, because she is really so in love with her husband she is not a great deal of use to other people), joined in the conversation, and said he had heard "Ruby-Mine-Bill" was expected in the town he (Nelson) had joined us at, and it was possible we might meet him at the next station where the trains would pass each other.

She is only eighteen, but is married and has run away from her husband.

She wanted to marry a Russian, but her family forced her to take for husband a Greek, an old man, and so jealous and so frightened of the effect of her beauty upon other men that he shut her up and made her wear a veil like a Turk.

"She has a husband and yet has none.

She is young, but she can't marry again because she has a husband already.

"Next summer, when I came down to Ghilendzhik, I said to my husband, 'Let us go and see our house and land.'

Varvara Ilinitchna went on to tell me of her early days, and how she and her husband had been poor.

The railway company opened new establishments, and the directors have loved my husband, and one of them even said at a public meeting, 'Would to God there were more men in the world like Alexander Fed'otch!'

The husband stood with his hands dangling at his side, his lips all puckered, his hair awry, and the tears streaming down his red cheeks.

Farewell, dear friend, husband of the woman that is in me!' "Then said I farewell

We rested and let the glorious husband of the earth look down upon us, and into us.

Irene married while in Georgia and came back to Jacksonville with her husband Charles, the year of the earthquake at Charleston, South Carolina, about 1888.

My mother's first husband was sold away from her; shucks, some of the masters didn't care how they treated husbands, wives, parents and children; any of them might be separated from the other.

He gives no reason for remaining single, but his reason for marrying was "to give some lady the privilege and see how it feels to be called husband.

" He lives with his daughter, Mrs. Minnie Holly and her husband, Mr. Dany Holly on Lee Street.

He would let us go a-courtin' on the other plantations near anytime we liked, if we were good, and if we found somebody we wanted to marry, and she was on a plantation that b'longed to one of his kin folks or a friend, he would swap a slave so that the husband and wife could be together.

Had they not remained, she might not have met Gaylord Jeannette, the knight in Blue, who later became her husband.

Her second husband is also dead.

22148 examples of  husband  in sentences