163 examples of hym in sentences

ii vj Lent Harey Porter the 15 of Maye 1599 the some of | s d | ii vj Be it knowne unto all men that I Henry Porter do owe unto Phillip Henchlowe the some of x's of lawfull money of England which I did borrowe of hym the 26 of Maye a'o.

when Mars to warre hym did dres I, callynge to mynde the great auctoryte Of poetes olde, whiche full craftely, Under as couerte termes as coulde be, Can touche a trouthe, and cloke subtylly With fresh Utterance; full sentcyously, Dyverse in style: some spared not vyce to wryte, Some of mortalitie nobly dyd endyte.

"Martha sayde unto hym, I knowe wele, he shall ryse agayne in the resurreccion att the last day.

He will taxe all degrees & thynke that that Keepes hym secure from all taxation.

For the custom is suche, that no straungere schalle come before him, but zif he zeve hym sum manere thing, aftre the olde lawe, that seythe, Nemo accedat in conspectu meo vacuus.

And zee schulle undirstonde, that the people, that he hathe so many hostes offe, abouten hym and aboute his wyfes and his sone, thei dwelle not contynuelle with him: but alle weys, whan him lykethe, thei ben sent fore; and aftre whan thei han don, thei retournen to hire owne housholdes; saf only thei that ben dwellynge with hym in houshold, for to serven him and his wyfes and his sones, for to governen his houshold.

And zee schulle undirstonde, that the people, that he hathe so many hostes offe, abouten hym and aboute his wyfes and his sone, thei dwelle not contynuelle with him: but alle weys, whan him lykethe, thei ben sent fore; and aftre whan thei han don, thei retournen to hire owne housholdes; saf only thei that ben dwellynge with hym in houshold, for to serven him and his wyfes and his sones, for to governen his houshold.

And who so that may be founden with that synne, sykerly thei slen hym.

Also whan thei wille make hire ydoles, or an ymage of ony of hire frendes, for to have remembrance of hym, thei maken alle weys the ymage alle naked, with outen any maner of clothinge.

After men setten him upon a blak stede, and so men bryngen him to a cheyere fulle richely arrayed, and there thei crownen hym.

And thanne alle the cytees and gode townes senden hym ryche presentes; so that at that iourneye, he schalle have more than 60 chariottes charged with gold and sylver, with outen jewelles of gold and precyouse stones, that lordes zeven hym, that ben withouten estymacioun: and with outen hors and clothes of gold and of Camakaas and Tartarynes, that ben with outen nombre.

And thanne alle the cytees and gode townes senden hym ryche presentes; so that at that iourneye, he schalle have more than 60 chariottes charged with gold and sylver, with outen jewelles of gold and precyouse stones, that lordes zeven hym, that ben withouten estymacioun: and with outen hors and clothes of gold and of Camakaas and Tartarynes, that ben with outen nombre.

Heaven forbydd Yf I shoulde torture hym I love so muche, Beyond expression!

In peace at hande the Farriers must be hadde, For lanncing, healinge, bleedinge, and for shooeinge, In Warres abroade of hym they wille be gladd To cure the wounded Horsse, still he is douinge, In peace or warre abroade, or ellse at home, To Kinge and Countrie that some good may come.

17 The kyng ought to kepe hym in the bande Reg. 20 Of the lawe of God the same readynge Prov.

25 Take away vngodlines from the Kyng And his seat shall be stablyshed with ryght judgmet Let vs pray for the Kyng and hym honour EDWARD the sext our earthlye socour God save ye Kyng.

3. HE, hee, hie, se;His, hise, is, hys, ys, hyse, hus;HIM, hine, hiene, hion, hen, hyne, hym, im;THEY, thay, thei, the, tha, thai, thii, yai, hi, hie, heo, hig, hyg, hy;THEIR or THEIRS, ther, theyr, theyrs, thair, thare, theora, hare, here, her, hir, hire, hira, hiora, hiera, heora, hyra;THEM, thym, theym, thaym, thaim, thame, tham, em, hem, heom, hiom, eom, hom, him, hi, hig.

Also payd to hym that dyd wryght the said x Commaundements and for ther drynking lxvjs.

For when his father would have made hym do sacrifyce to the idols, God gave to hym force and power to contrary and gaynsay his father, and yield himself to God.

For when his father would have made hym do sacrifyce to the idols, God gave to hym force and power to contrary and gaynsay his father, and yield himself to God.

And when his father saw that his son was taught in the faith of Jesu Chryst, and that he could not withdraw him therefrom, and make him do sacrifyce to the idols, he commanded that he should be closed in a stronge hold and put to hym five maidens for to seduce him with blandyshynge and fayre wordes.

hym so yt he maye be a presydent for them that shall have the offyce; for they wyll but jess att itt, and saye it is butt a mony matter: therefore lett them paye well for the penaltie whiche was sett on theire heads.

to one Cowherd, "borowed of hym to thuse of the Churche," "certeyn sylver Spones of the Churche stocke."

The Fair Maid of Ribbesdale has a rime-scheme almost identical with that shown by one of Raimbaut d'Aurenga's poems; the description of the lady's beauty recalls many troubadour formulae: the concluding lines He myhte sayen pat crist hym seze, pat myhte nyhtes neh hyre leze, heuene he hevede here. are a troubadour commonplace.

The yere by Decembre takelh his ende, And so dooth man at three-score and twelve, Nature with aege wyll hym on

163 examples of  hym  in sentences