3 examples of hyne in sentences

3. HE, hee, hie, se;His, hise, is, hys, ys, hyse, hus;HIM, hine, hiene, hion, hen, hyne, hym, im;THEY, thay, thei, the, tha, thai, thii, yai, hi, hie, heo, hig, hyg, hy;THEIR or THEIRS, ther, theyr, theyrs, thair, thare, theora, hare, here, her, hir, hire, hira, hiora, hiera, heora, hyra;THEM, thym, theym, thaym, thaim, thame, tham, em, hem, heom, hiom, eom, hom, him, hi, hig.

by C. W. Hyne.

by C. W. Hyne.

3 examples of  hyne  in sentences