537 examples of i am happy in sentences

"I am happy to find, Sir Edward, you are so well pleased with the family as to wish to make another selection from it.

Mrs. Jarvis retained her respect for the colonel in full force; and called out to him across the room, a few minutes before she departed "Well, colonel, I am happy to tell you I have heard very lately from your uncle, Sir Edgar.

"Are you pleased to see me?" "I am happy, Fernando, oh, so happy" Then he was partially awakened by some one throwing logs of wood on the fire, and he had an indistinct impression of hearing a soldier say: "It's four o'clock and has begun to snow a little.

But we are restored to each other at last, I am happy to say!

I am happy to say she is at present pretty well, although your dear Mother's death appears to dwell much upon her mind.

In those relating to foreign powers, I am happy to state that peace and amity are preserved with all by a strict observance on both sides of the rights of each.

All I now wish is, that I may procure some permanent situation (and this, thank God, I have good hopes of), and then I shall never cease entreating your consent to my rescuing this poor girl, and thus making, I may say, all of us quite happy, as well as Constanze and myself; for, if I am happy, you are sure to be so, dearest father, and one-half of the proceeds of my situation shall be yours.

I am happy to inform you that the governor and other civil officers of Utah are now performing their appropriate functions without resistance.

"And now," said Clara, "I am happy.

I am happy to announce that since the last Congress no attempts have been made by unauthorized expeditions within the United States against either of those colonies.

Of the latter I am happy to be able to present you with the above view.

Instead of finding fault with what has been gained, I am happy to see a disposition in the United States to do so much.

But I cannot think of these things now; I am happy in thinking that you are safe.'

having taken place since the date of his will, a suit was instituted by the heirs-at-law to recover the same; in which, I am happy to say, they were successful.

I am happy, honoured and I doubt not, honourable sir, to have this opportunity of proving my zeal to the King, before one who will not fail to report my humble efforts to his royal ears.

"Desire Herr to come here," said he to a servant; then turning to us, "I am happy to see the gentlemen in Vienna."

When I even think of it, I am happy.

And now I am happy to say that we can begin to gather together some of the separate threads of our argument, and see a little better the general kind of conclusion toward which we are tending.

My country is where I am happy, and where I am beloved!"

RIMBAULT (No. 12.) has made rather a grave charge against my predecessors in office as churchwardens and overseers of this parish; and although, I regret to say, such accusations of unjust stewardship and dereliction of duty are frequently and with justice imputed to some parish officers, yet I am happy to be able, in this instance, to remove the stigma which would otherwise attach to those of St. Antholin.

" "I am happy," said Livingstone, "to be here to receive you.

" "I am happy to oblige you," I said, tartly, for I did not like his laughter.

I am happy to be able to say that information which is esteemed favorable both to a just satisfaction of the awards and a reasonable provision for other claims has been recently received from Mr. Thompson, the minister of the United States, who has promptly and efficiently executed the instructions of his Government in regard to this important subject.

I am happy to believe that this convention provides as fully as is practicable for the adjustment of all claims of our citizens on the Government of Mexico.

Polly is miserable over a new novel, and I am happy over the very hard work of a new edition of my History of Philosophy, which will almost be a new book, so great are the changes and additions.

537 examples of  i am happy  in sentences