174 examples of i am using in sentences

"I am using my eyes, not abusing them," replied Sir Andrew; "you cannot injure any organ by the exercise of it, but by the excess of exercise of it.

Never mind my dulness; I am used to long intervals of it.

"I am used to it, you know.

The stuff I am using is quite uninflammable.

"I am using my privilege to correct this youngster," he replied, with a flourish of his ruler, apparently designed to impress the shaggy head with the idea that he, Mr. Roundjacket, would not permit any infringement of his rights and privileges.

I am using this opportunity to write my great work on the Mutiny, and it isn't nearly so easy to write a book as I thought.

I was in a good deal of pain, but I am used to it.

Of course, I am using the words Protestant and Catholic to indicate broad conceptions of religion, and not as defining definite bodies of men; but even of those who call themselves by these names what I have said is largely true.

I am used to admiration now, certainly; it is my food; without it I should die of inanition; but do you suppose I care any more for those who give it to me than a Chinese idol does forwhoever swings incense before it?

For the change in the composition of the gentry, I am using my own research.

The Life and Times of Su Tung-p'o, New York 1947.For painting, I am using concepts of A. Soper here. p. 222:

I am used to having what I say mocked at in this house.

But I am using the public telephone here at the Wellington, andOh, damn!"

"At present, on No. 2," I said, "I am using splinters of mother-of-pearl.

I should not, therefore, apply the word barbaric, as I am using it, to the duels of German officers or even to the broadsword combats that are conventional among the German students.

I should not, therefore, apply the word barbaric, as I am using it, to the duels of German officers, or even to the broadsword combats that are conventional among the German students.

" "I am used to her," Manuel replied, forlornly, "and I suppose that if she were taken away from me again I would again be attempting to fetch her back.

Now I may cast another shadow from a candle or an incandescence lamp, and the two shadows are illuminated, one by the light of the colored patch and the other by the light from an incandescence lamp which I am using tonight.

But his phrase was a useful one, and I am using it.

The heat obtained in the coke furnace I am using, in less than ten minutes, is greater than any known crucible would stand.

Furthermore, I am using the greatest diligence that can be to get right away, and I hope shortly to see you, which is my desire, in order to tell you at good length all about my trip.

Perhaps I am using strong language.

[Footnote E: I am using the terms "friendship" and "love" in their ordinarily accepted and narrow sense, as meaning respectively the love of friends and the love of lovers.

" "I am used to sleeping anywhere.

My eyes are dim-sighted and irritable, so that I generally dictate my letters; now, however, I am using my own pen to express my thanks to you, in this time of your sorrow for the loss of one so nearly and dearly connected with your clerical life.

174 examples of  i am using  in sentences