Do we say i or am

i 1275955 occurrences

but what a thought is this? I strangle, in the sudden thrall Of this sharp pang of agony, Oh, hold me, Tarfe, lest I fall.

but what a thought is this? I strangle, in the sudden thrall Of this sharp pang of agony, Oh, hold me, Tarfe, lest I fall.

" "I have not lied," the Moor replied, and he bowed his haughty head Before the King whose wrath might fling his life among the dead.

"I would not deign with falsehood's stain my lineage to betray; Tho' for the truth my life, in sooth, should be the price I pay.

"I would not deign with falsehood's stain my lineage to betray; Tho' for the truth my life, in sooth, should be the price I pay.

I am son and squire of a Moorish sire, who with the Christians strove, And the captive dame of Christian name was his fair wedded love;

" "I give you grace for your open face, and the courteous words you use.

Oh, what pangs I felt For her whose profile was so pure!

For them I die.

I had walked I know not how long when I came out suddenly upon the road which wound along the bank and finally dipped to the ferry, and here I sat down upon a log to think.

Let me say here that I believe this purblind policy of delaying the expedition instead of freely aiding it had much to do with the result.

he cried, "I thought I had chanced upon a meeting of our Philadelphia friends,they of the broad hats and sober coats,and yet I had never before known them to go to war.

I have no wish that you should sacrifice your lives so uselessly by remaining here with me.

I cried, "I cannot hold them long.

I cried, "I cannot hold them long.

He listened without a word till I had finished.

I am sure they mean to shoot me."

I knew then that something had happened, and when I heard you speak, I told myself you were not to blame for it.

I still believe you were not to blame.

"I propose to deliver it tonight before I sail.

"I propose to deliver it tonight before I sail.

I leave it at Hixon's farm.

I trust thou hast a full purse with thee, fair stranger.

" "Alas!" said the stranger, "I have no purse nor no money either, saving only the half of a sixpence, the other half of which mine own dear love doth carry in her bosom, hung about her neck by a strand of silken thread.

I had only to take a few leaps to put myself aboard the vessel....

am 81227 occurrences

I am from earth.

"I really am something, aren't I?"

I am beautiful!

"I am, aren't I?

"Yes, I am asked it all the time.

"Don't you know who I am?

I am the Hungry Tiger of Oz.

"As for you, friend Telly, I am sure you will become fast friends with the Tin Woodman and Tik-Tok.

But I cannot help what I am.

"I have at least a half-dozen pods that I am willing to share with you.

"You know that I am not from around here.

I am not understood amongst my own kind, so I am something of an outcast, you might say.

I am not understood amongst my own kind, so I am something of an outcast, you might say.

" "I am a sort of horse-troll," he replied.

but I shall be still, and am well satisfied that my afflictions shall end when it is most fit for me."

She answered, modestly, "If my senses be to be relied on, I am sure of it."

"Then I am sure no woman on earth can long escape you, unless she be in an air balloon.

"You see I am likely to have a good stock of firewood for winter.

I am he to whom the red men consecrated this spot, and in honor of whom

"My dear friends," said Doctor Heidegger, motioning them to be seated, "I am desirous of your assistance in one of those little experiments with which I amuse myself here in my study.

"I am old and rheumatic, and my dancing days were over long ago.

" "That is absolutely needless," replied G. "I am not more sure that I breathe than I am that the letter is not at the hotel.

" "That is absolutely needless," replied G. "I am not more sure that I breathe than I am that the letter is not at the hotel.

" "Of this I am aware," said Paul, for he and John Effingham had perused the remainder of the Monday papers together, after the fainting fit of the latter, as soon as his strength would admit; "and Captain Truck is now searching for an old passenger of his, who I think will furnish the clue.

I hope, my dear sir, you will say no more than that I am your son, a circumstance much too precious to me to be omitted.

Do we say   i   or  am