537 examples of i was happy in sentences

"Monsieur, I was happy with my lover, the great judge.

" "I was happy enough, Alice.

In two weeks we had taken in $1,600.00, and I was happy as I could be.

Nobody will doubt that I was happy in repeating it.

I was, he said: "Is your wife a believer in the principles of the Woman's Rights party?" I could not, for the life of me, see what this had to do with the land in Wyoming, but I answered, that I was happy to say she was not.

For a time, in the new life, I was happy to drunkennessworking, eating, sleeping.

Last summer I thought I was happy, the fall gave me a finality of satisfaction, the winter imparted perspective, but spring conveys a wholly new sense of life, a quickening the like of which I never before experienced.

At such time, upon such mind, ever disposed to oblige as that mind was, I could not obtrude the petty business of criticising verses; but he remembered the promise he had kindly given, and repeated an offer which though I had not presumed to expect, I was happy to receive.

"I was happy indeed to learn that you remain at the Sault, the present winter.

Old friends from Middlebury, Vermont, came up in a steamer bound to Green Bay, among whom I was happy to recognize Mrs. Henshaw, mother of the bishop of that name of Rhode Island.

When we were in London, although I was so much alone in the daytime, I was happy in anticipating our deferred honeymoon.

I know now that I was happy in those serene preliminary years, but nevertheless I had the illusion of spiritual woe.

I had come back in good spirits, thinking of the prosperity which I was happy to believe I had merited by a conscientious performance of all my duties.

First, I was happy on her armand then, through the long hours, and mysteriously, she implanted her message....

These party violences are terrible; and I was happy to perceive that the reciprocal claims of duty and affection were not diminished by them, either in M. de , or his son.

Her beautiful nature attracted me irresistibly, and I was happy beyond all bounds at her side.

I was happy, and sang and worked away from one day to the next.

I was happy with your telling me how well you love me, and though I don't love loving, I could have poured out all the fulness of my heart to such an old and true friend; but what am I the better for it, if I am to see you but two or three days in the year?

I was disappointed in my visit to this part of the country as it did not leave a favourable impression of its fertilitystill it afforded me an opportunity of judging by comparison of the quality of the soils in Western Australia and on the banks of the Fitzroy, and I was happy to find I had not overrated the latter.

But as for me the daily ten-or fifteen-mile grind up and down the steep craggy slopes had at last trained me back to my former vigorous condition, and I was happy.

For at head-quarters there is a continual throng, and my room, in particular, (when I was happy enough to get one,) was always crowded by all that came to headquarters on business, because there was no other for them, we having, for the most part, been in such small houses.

I glanced back at the closed windows of his room and wondered if he saw us, and if he thought that I was happy.

I was happy to find that the good people were strongly attached to Prayer and Class-Meetings.

No doubt, Sir, that I was happy.

The J. C. P. crowned all above all the Cs and Rs, I was happy to see.

537 examples of  i was happy  in sentences