13 examples of i was thrilled in sentences

Even as I raised my eyes, I was thrilled with a feeling of wonder; for, now, the hazy light had resolved into a single, great star, of vivid green.

I am thrilled at the sight of it, bearing aloft its scarlet standard for the regiment of green-clad foresters around, and I go half a mile out of my way to examine it.

I was thrilled beyond words.

I could have shot the striped vixen over and over again, but I wished to keep her for my friends, and I was thrilled with the excitement of such a novel scene.

I was thrilled with delight yesterday by the announcement of Mr. Shelley with the MS. of "Childe Harold."

Of course, I was thrilled!

I was thrilled and excited as I had never been in all my life before.

I was thrilled by the common chord that makes crowds act as one man, that in this case made my heart beat in unison with all the wild things.

He saw the movement, and into his eyes flashed a look so mournful, so filled with longing that I was thrilled to the heart.

As I reverently handled it, I was thrilled by the thought that from this insignificant little seed sprang the great national organ, the Freeman's Journal; the Press of the United Irishmen; the Nation of the Young Irelanders; the United Ireland of the Land League; the Irish World and the Boston Pilot of the American Irish; and the Irish Independent, the first half-penny Dublin morning paper, and the most widely circulated of Irish journals.

Tracks were everywhere, and when I came to the first open place I was thrilled.

I was thrilled, delightedhe had gotten a shot.

"Darling, I am thrilled," Lady Anningford responded, "and I guess it is all about

13 examples of  i was thrilled  in sentences