15 examples of i will devote in sentences

It is advised, then, to pause and to say mentally what the Venerable Boudon was wont to say to his soul in similar circumstances: "To punish and mortify thee, I will go more slowly; I will devote to my office to-day a longer time" (Bacquez).

I'll devote every dollar I have, every thought of my brain, every atom of my power, to bringing you two face to face with misery.

I will devote my life to trying to make you happy.

You shall devote yourself to me, and I'll devote myself to Barracombe; and we'll just settle down into all the old ways.

Having succeeded to escape the different snares and traps which I unexpectedly met, I considered it my duty publicly to declare that the war between Austrian tyranny and the freedom of Hungary is not ended yet, and swore eternal resistance to the oppressors of my country, and declared that, faithful to the oath sworn solemnly to my people, I will devote my life to the liberation of my fatherland.

Withdraw the opposition you have twice made to my suit, promise me that you will reward my affection by your hand if I succeed, and I will devote myself to the search for Ida, resting not day or night till I have placed her in your arms.

I will assist in filling the tubes with wire, and the resinous coating, and I will devote my whole time and attention to the business so as to secure a favorable result, and should you wish to devolve upon me any other business connected with the Telegraph, I will cheerfully undertake it.

I will devote him;a crusader's wife!

I will devote my life to relieve distress.

I will devote myself to your service if you will but confide in me.

She is of a rather uncommon character, therefore I will devote to her a few lines.

I will devote myself to Twonette hereafter.

I will devote my very life to your service.

[that all is ready,] I will come to you, and having embarked in the vessel, I will effect my escape and obtain my release from the hands of these ill-fated heathens,' I replied, 'I will devote myself as a sacrifice for your life and safety, but what will you do with the nurse?'

Instead, however, of considering these kinds of exercise in this empirical way, I will devote a brief space to an examination of them in a more scientific form.

15 examples of  i will devote  in sentences