97 examples of ic in sentences

The Episcopal bell slowly said, 'Apos-tol-ic suc-cess-ion!

apos-tol-ic suc-cess-ion!'


i taph grav' i ty com' bat ants pref' er ence a maz' ed ly ath let' ic Vi at' i cum in her' it ance cem' e ter

* * 73 mag' ic sta' mens de sert' ed pet' als pic' tures dis cour' aged liq' uid sat' is fied per se ver' ance THE WATER LILY.

* 82 a chieved' es poused' thral' dom al li' ance ter rif' ic Del' a ware Com' mo dore re cip' i ents New' found land can non ad' ing par tic'

" On consulting the "Great Records of Munster," Vol. VI., we find a family residing in the neighborhood of Kilcolman Castle whose name and circumstances correspond exactly with all the requirements of our Angel-ic theory.

ic-looking Deerhounds ever seen.

On the contrary, it abounds with examples of words ending in ic and or, and not in ick and our, as he wrote them; and I am confident, that, from that time to this, the former orthography has continued to be more common than his.

Of words ending in ive, Walker exhibits four hundred and fiftyexactly the same number that he spells with ic.

And Horne Tooke, who derives ive from the Latin ivus, (q. d. vis,) and ic from the Greek

1. Correct Bolles, in the division of the following words: "Del-ia, Jul-ia, Lyd-ia, heigh-ten, pat-ron, ad-roit, worth-y, fath-er, fath-er-ly, mar-chi-o-ness, i-dent-ic-al, out-ra-ge-ous, ob-nox-i-ous, pro-di-gi-ous, tre-mend-ous, ob-liv-i-on, pe-cul-i-ar."Revised Spelling-Book: New London, 1831.

Examples: "Buton ic wat thæt thu hoefst thara wæpna.

SAXON: "And ic eom asend with the sprecan.

f=orc~es [,] R=ears ~up | th~e B=alt~ic | t~o ~a |

Dr. Lowth says, "The Saxon Ic hath the possessive case Min; Thu, possessive Thin; He, possessive His: From which our possessive cases of the same pronouns are taken without alteration.

The Anglo-Saxon verb lufian, or lufigean, to love, appears to have been inflected with the several pronouns thus: Ic lufige, Thu lufast, He lufath, We lufiath, Ge lufiath, Hi lufiath.

ic ontlantiuh toco tico tocoti.

His, her, its, their. IC, conj.

ic, as soon as, often, only, on purpose.

He, they, the, which, etc.; in ma oc, meanwhile; in ic,

ic, yet more, comparative; oc pe, first, foremost.

Already, thus; ye no ceppa, a second time; ye ic, already, it is already.

"Now I'm going to put before you a 'Hero-ic' puzzle of mine, but please remember I do not ask for your solution of it, as you will persist in believing, if I ask your help in a Shakespeare difficulty, that I am only jesting!


97 examples of  ic  in sentences