5699 examples of ideals in sentences

And her God, her church, her flight toward ideals, her spiritual needs disappeared, turned into ashes.

Was it the deep virtue, the high ideals in our souls, or was it the compulsion of the Society around us?

The immediate source of Chaucer's poem is Boccaccio's Il Filostrato, "the love-smitten one"; but he uses his material very freely, to reflect the ideals of his own age and society, and so gives to the whole story a dramatic force and beauty which it had never known before.

As a story, "Palamon and Arcite" is, in many respects, the best of the Canterbury Tales, reflecting as it does the ideals of the time in regard to romantic love and knightly duty.

Like Shakespeare, Chaucer took the material for his poems wherever he found it, and his originality consists in giving to an old story some present human interest, making it express the life and ideals of his own age.

The fifteenth century was an age of preparation, of learning the beginnings of science, and of getting acquainted with the great ideals,the stern law, the profound philosophy, the suggestive mythology, and the noble poetry of the Greeks and Romans.

It is noticeable, in reading these beautiful old romances in different languages, that each nation changes them somewhat, so as to make them more expressive of national traits and ideals.

So the novel was born, expressing, though in a different way, exactly the same ideals of personality and of the dignity of common life which were later proclaimed in the American and in the French Revolution, and were welcomed with rejoicing by the poets of the romantic revival.

He will in all probability be one who, cherishing ideals of a better and fairer system of society, looks forward to a time when an organized coöperation will be substituted for what he regards as the existing chaos.

The two principal forces behind these changes were the Romantic movement, which culminated in changed literary ideals, and the spirit of the French Revolution, which emphasized the close kinship of all ranks of humanity.

So true had she been to him, so sweet her temperament, so high all her ideals, that he could not bring himself to believe ill of her.

But his faith weighed not so well with the Kureisch, and, having within himself the strength which knows when to desist from importunity, he quitted the city and retired to Sarif, eight miles away, where he rested together with his host of believers, now content and reverent towards the master who had made their dreams incarnate, their ideals tangible.

In superseding the already effete tribal ideals he was to himself only spreading the faith of his inspiration.

But compromise, whether with idolaters or Jews, was found to be impossible, and here religious and political ideals are inextricably blended.

The Kuran was the sum of his inspiration, the expression in poetic and visionary language of his beliefs and ideals.

In spite of her goodness of heart, she has no interests and no ideals, apart from the personal satisfactions which have now been poisoned at their source.

Taquisara thought him at times poetic and visionary, but liked the impossible loftiness of his young ideals, because Taquisara himself was naturally attracted by all that looked impossible.

He had not the character which seeks ideals, and he asked for none.

Her mind was as destitute of beauty and mystery as the prairie school-house in which she had been educated; and her ideals seemed to Ralph as pathetic as the ornaments made of corks and cigar-bands with which her infant hands had been taught to adorn it.

Ben Sira was acquainted with Greek culture and shows at several points familiarity with Greek ideals and methods of thinking, but his point of view in general was distinctly Jewish.

Each Hellenic city gave to its citizens new ideals and opportunities.

In the broad perspective of history it is clear that both Hellenism and Judaism were essential to the upbuilding and broadening of the human character and ideals.

Many of their ideals and doctrines were closely similar to the teachings of John the Baptist and Jesus.

The material spirit of their age obscured the nobler ideals of their spiritual teachers.

A growing realization of the imperfections of the existing order led them to look ever more expectantly to the time when the prophetic ideals of justice and mercy would be realized in society, as well as in the character of the individual.

5699 examples of  ideals  in sentences